
Dec 31, 2008 15:57

Shipping meme from calaidi

Six ships you're into right now
1) Harry/Draco (HP)
2) Harry/Scorpius (HP)
3) Marcone/Dresden (The Dresden Files)
4) Light/L (Death Note)
5) Tohru/Yuujirou (Princess Princess)
6) Basch/Penelo (FFXII)

Three ships you liked, but don’t like anymore
7) Harry/Ginny (HP)
8) Dresden/Murphy (The Dresden Files)
9) Ron/Hermione (HP)

Four ships you never liked
10) Harry/Snape (HP)
11) Basch/Ashe (FFXII)
12) Vaan/Penelo (FFXII)
13) Balthier/Fran (FFXII)

Two ships you're curious about, but don’t actually ship
14) Larsa/Penelo (FFXII)
15) Snape/Lily (HP)

Why do you dislike #11 so much? [Basch/Ashe]
Too predictable. Also, I don't like Ashe very much, and I love Basch. He deserves better.

Who is someone you know that ships #14? [Larsa/Penelo]
Uh... no one. I don't think, anyway.

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? [Marcone/Dresden]
Marcone being sneaky and manipulative (especially behind the scenes) while Dresden freaks out and flails around and Bob sits back and laughs.

Which is your favorite moment for couple #1? [Harry/Draco]
A toss up between the sectumsempra and fiendfyre incidents. I think they both show how the two of them depend on each other, at least on some level. (Not that I think the ship is canon. Not at all.)

How long have you been following couple #6? [Basch/Penelo]
Since I first played the game. I've always thought they would be perfect. (Apparently, though, I'm in the minority.)

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? [Dresden/Murphy]
The chemistry between them isn't fiery enough. Not that it isn't there, it just comes across as a lot tamer than I would like.

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 (Harry/Snape) or #12 (Vaan/Penelo).
I have to go with Harry/Snape. I've read some good things that fit into this ship, but over all, it just gives me the willies. Especially after reading so many Severitus stories.

Which ship do you prefer #2 (Harry/Scorpius) or #4 (Light/L)?
Harry/Scorpius, probably. I'm too new to Light/L to really prefer that one. And with Harry and Scorpius, there's the bonus of them not being destined to kill each other. I prefer that to the constant angst of Light and L.

What interests you about #15? [Snape/Lily]
It isn't predictable! It doesn't fit into the perfect, happily ever after nightmare that JKR seems to like so much. It blurs the lines between "light" and "dark", and I really like that.

Why did you stop liking #7? [Harry/Ginny]
Pretty much the same reason I like Lily with Snape. It's too perfect; too fairy tale. I don't like how all of "the good guys" in HP meet the love of their life at age 12 and marry and have lots of obnoxious, good little children. Also, the fact that Harry and Ginny could pose as James and Lily squicks me.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? [Ron/Hermione]
Pft. Not likely. They're really on the fringe of my interest, anyway.

What’s a song that reminds you of #5? [Tohru/Yuujirou]
I've never thought of it... Maybe Best Friends & Lovers by Jaren? Or, even better, I'll Be There by The Jackson 5.

If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Tohru and Yuujirou with Light and L. Because the latter two need some lightening up. The angst is almost thicker than the sexual tension there.

Have #2 kissed yet? [Harry/Scorpius]
In fandom, many times. In canon, never.

Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? [Light/L]
Hell no. Not in a million years would anyone imagine that ending to be "happy". (And even though I knew it was coming, it still shocked me speechless.)

What would make you start shipping #14? [Larsa/Penelo]
Possibly some fan action that didn't involve Vayne going all creepy stalker on either of them. Everything I've seen has him nosing his way in, and it gives me the willies. Also, Larsa needs to grow up a bit, physically.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 (Harry/Scorpius) or #6(Basch/Penelo)?
Ouch. Uhm, really tough. I'll say Basch and Penelo, though. Because Draco will always be my first pick for Harry.

You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? [Harry/Snape]
Harry wakes up and realizes it was all a nightmare, cuddles up to Draco, and goes back to sleep. And Snape is still dead and stalking Lily in the afterlife, much to James' annoyance.

(I just really don't like Harry with Snape. As I said, creeps me out.)

Which do you dislike the most?
Probably Harry/Ginny, much as I used to love the pairing. Ginny has "Mary Sue" written all over her, especially after DH. And, seriously, who finds their ONE TRUE LOVE! at sixteen? And the fact that we're expected to believe that it happened not once, not twice, but six times just within the main characters of the books? (James and Lily, Snape's love for Lily, Dumbles and Grindelwald, Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, and Dean and Luna.) Sorry, no. Also, the Oedipus factor contributes added squick.

Which of these ships do you love the most?
Harry/Draco, by far. I obsess over the couple a ridiculous amount. Not to the point where I try to twist canon around to fit the ship, but I'm still pretty devoted to the pairing.


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