
Oct 29, 2008 19:08

Taken from kc-anathema, once again.
1. If you'd like to participate, leave me a comment.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You must answer these questions in your own LJ for all to see, posting them along with these instructions.

1. Why drive a jeep?
Why, indeed... The real answer is that it's the car that naomiwashburn was trying to get rid of. But it's also because I think I fell in love with the beast the first time I rode in it. (Despite the mess!) I've always had a soft spot for SUVs - Jeeps in particular since riding in Emi's dad's car in high school - even though they're verified gas hogs.

2. Worst thing you ever saw on /b/?
Mmm... I think the rash of real life guro and just flat-out gore and nastiness that swept the board a few years back. It was one of my first exposures to 4chan, and it sort of stayed with me. (It's also the first time Will told me not to look while he was surfing the board.) Though the skinless testicle and the gif of a cat being run over rank pretty high on the list. ^^;

3. Favorite 4chan board?
/wg/ (wallpapers) and /y/ (yaoi) are tied for that distinction. You can find some good stuff there, if you look hard enough.

4. Do you get sick easily?
Oh, yes. It's really rather annoying. I've always had a weak stomach, and it's only gotten worse as I've gotten older, I think. (It would help if stress didn't make me sick, I think.)

5. Are you a bit of a grammar stickler?
More often than not, yes I am. I've gotten a lot better than I used to be. (As I've said before, being married to a red neck left me with the option: lighten up about it or let my head explode. Especially since he likes to purposely push my buttons where that's concerned.)


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