The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Jul 04, 2008 03:54

I literally had to force myself away from this book. It's been ages since I've read one that good!

The writing style is reminiscent of JD Salinger's in Catcher In The Rye. The story is also similar, in that it's a coming of age story told from the perspective of a 15-16 year old boy. The format, however, is different. The entire story is written in the form of letters from the main character to an unnamed boy at another school. Charlie, the main character, seems to be content to look at life from the fringes of high school society. And he makes a lot of very insightful observations while he's at it.

I don't want to write any sort of "book report" on the thing, but I definitely recommend picking it up! Especially if you like Catcher In The Rye. There's a twist in the end that I really didn't see coming, but which sheds light on a lot of Charlie's coping mechanisms throughout the book.

(Read it, someone, so I have someone to talk about it with! >_< Please?)

book rec

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