Title: The Seventh Night-In Which Quinn Fabray Resists The Urge-To Get Into Rachel Berry's Pants-And The Irony Of Rachel Wearing Skirts (And Other Forms Of Torture) A/N: Haaave you read Part 1?
“Girlfriend as in girl friend-like ‘Wassup girlfriend!’” I loved, loved, loved this line. Super funny! And I'm glad that everyone took it well, except for Finn of course, but he's dumb and I don't care about him so... And the last part was great.
Yeah! *fistpump* (at the choir room scene being worthy of your excitement)
I dunno really, somehow in my head, they just did it. But if I really think about it, I'm sure they've made out somewhat discreetly while having movie nights with the daddies.
My favorite joke in this night lol
Yeah, I just couldn't let the subject of the thongs go. lol IMO, best make out I've written. Happy to have captivated you :D
Ohh, hiii babyyy… I’ve missed you… Mmm, I’ve missed you… I’ve missed you so much… you and your lips… God, that feels so good… Mmm… Need… flat… surface… now… No, no, don’t pull away yet! Want… more… kiss-
Comments 7
What?! “Are you a moron?”Yep. I could be Quinn’s conscience.
“What radio station do you listen to?” This explain that bit in part 1. I was wondering how Quinn knew Schuester’s radio preferences.
The choir room scene only was worthy of all my excitement about this update. Hahahaha. Horny Quinn and all =D The slight Brittana is a nice touch too.
I could never make out in front of my parents. Tsk, tsk. XD
Judy Garland… Only Rachel. *snorts* But so glad to see the effect of Judy catching the girls and all is going to that. Awww.
I was enraptured by the make-out passage, where were we… oh, thongs again. Nice elastic thongs.
Oh. You gotta love when Rachel falls in the mode of passion. *laughs*
Yeah! *fistpump* (at the choir room scene being worthy of your excitement)
I dunno really, somehow in my head, they just did it. But if I really think about it, I'm sure they've made out somewhat discreetly while having movie nights with the daddies.
My favorite joke in this night lol
Yeah, I just couldn't let the subject of the thongs go. lol IMO, best make out I've written. Happy to have captivated you :D
Oh. Hahaha
I LOVE this!!!
Have you read Part 3?
So glad you found your muse again
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