Apr 20, 2006 14:01
I am tired of doing everything that I possibly can for you and it still not being enough. I am tired of having wonderful days and waiting for you to come home, only to be an annoyance to you and have my day shattered.
I get one good day in exchange for 4 or 5 bad. Is this really worth it to either of us any more? I really don't know.
I have seen you for 3 hours in the past 72, and you already can't handle me. I called you to see if I could get the car, because I'm tired of being stuck in the house all day. I wanted to go see grandma for awhile, and you acted like I was an idiot for wanting to do so and hung up on me.
I keep giving you the benefit of the doubt and moving on, just to have it thrown up in my face all over again. Why do I even bother? ..
I've tried to deal with this on my own for so long. I didn't want to bother anyone, but I honestly can't handle it anymore. I need my friends.