//Name: Jill
//Age: 17
//Do you have a penis or a vagina?: vagina
//Country: united states
//Fave food: italian/chinese/mexican
//Top 5 Movies: run lola run, breakfast club, matrix, edward scissorhands, pulp fiction
//Top 5 bands/artists: green day, my chemical romance, pink floyd, muse, oasis
//Pepsi or Cola? pepsi
//How often do you eat cheese? when I need a snack, I eat cheese. cheese is good.
//Why are you hawt? because I think I have a great personality and I love being who I am
//Why should we accept you? I'm not going to be fake. I'm going to be myself.
//If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would that sentence be? I'm going to be me no matter what other people say
//Pics: (At least 5)
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