For agunslinger][post drunken confessions (on Harvey's part) and sober ones (on Annie's)

Oct 21, 2011 02:27

From [here]

Getting bumped in the hip was what ended up waking her up and when she shifted to make room for her bed partner, Annie opened her eyes to darkness and a room that wasn't hers. The room sounded different, the sheets were different and the alarm clock-- 4:47 -- that definitely wasn't hers.


She sat up as best she could and blinked into the darkness, pushing her hair back as she tried to figure out where Harvey was in relation to the bed and where she was going to lay back down. Since she didn't need to be anywhere, she absolutely was going to go back to sleep... as soon as she lost the jeans, and the over-shirt. In a tank-top and her underwear, she slid under the covers this time, curling back up against Harvey.


She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. When the alarm went off eight minutes later, she groaned.

verse: new york new york, with: harvey

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