Jul 24, 2005 12:52
Well Yesterday was good i spent the whole day with Cory again, well at least until i had to go to work. Nannie's not doing good at all. Then last night i kinnda snapped. I'm not really sure why i did, i jus kinnda did. I didn't have anyone to talk to either cuz it was midnight...which means it was too late to call anyone, I couldn't call Cory on his cell, cuz he was at Robbie's and i really didn't want to bother him. So yea.
I start behind the wheel tomorrow, which means i get my license in 1 week and 2 days! Yay! That means no more bumming rides to work! ::dances:: Ok this journal really doesn't make any since but that's ok, cuz niether do i. So yea! Well i'm out.
I Love You Cory!