gosh , everyone should visit
http://www.seboldsoriginals.com it's run by my lovely friends Rhian & Ingo and they're quite quite wonderful, I'm going to be taking photos of the toys for them probably next week , and things are all taking off for them, they're going to be in a magazine that is done by a division of sony in japan
http://www.sonymagazines.jp/chara/book16.html , how very very exciting. I'm really touched they've asked me to be a part of this.
there are loads of other things too I barely have time for this place lately , but college is nearly over. Caroline is home, Izi is home, Ben, Martha & Ffi are home, Bryony tomorrow everyone is coming home! Nanny is home form hosptiol and doing well which is ace. Toby is coming to stay soon . hooray