(no subject)

Mar 01, 2006 10:03

-I spent $2400 (not including tax) on a new Dell XPS 600 & 24" Widescreen LCD. The tower cost me about $1800 and the display another $600. I normally wouldn't want to spend that much money on a monitor... but it is truly amazing what a difference a monitor/display makes. The LCD is huge... and I'm still may set up a 2nd and perhaps even 3rd display (both smaller flat panels). Yes I can be a computer geek. I had a 21" CRT monitor, but will be retiring that along with my old Dell workstation. I figure I can ebay or craigslist them for about $200. The new system itself is pretty slick... and I ordered it with Windows XP Media Center and a remote, so that I can record like TiVo... only 1 problem... it didn't include a TV tuner which Dell's site implied it would. So I'm trying to figure out my options right now.

-With my new computer I've returned to gaming on a PC rather than a console like XBox. That may change later down the road when/if I buy a HDTV and Xbox 360, but for now I'm hooked on 1 PC game. Battlefield 2 is my current addiction. This game rocks! It's the best 1st person shooter and strategy game I've ever played. It's like an online multiplayer war simulator. Eric already has the game and we've teamed up online which makes it more fun. We have another friend waiting in the wings while he waits for his new PC too.

-I need a vacation... my boss even tells me that I should take time off. He doesn't want to see me burn out. I do feel like I'm starting to... but think I can hold out until they hire a full time associate or until April, when I start my department training. The training will be for 4 weeks... and although I will be in the office, I won't have to 'work' like I normally do (I'll be in hiding and won't have to do my usual work)... plus I can come in 8am-5pm. That alone is going to be a vacation.

-Christina's Valentine's gift to me was a membership massage therapy club. Since Eric/Tracy are already members we were considered family add-ons. It requires a 1 year contract membership @ $49/month (normally $59/month). That includes one 1 hour session/month, which accrue 1/month to a bank and can be used whenever... and any additional massage beyond that is like $39 for 60 min or $57 for 90 min. I'm not as into getting massages as they are, but it's still nice and it's a great deal if you go often enough. We already went twice last month (once in Glendale and once in Costa Mesa) and I think it's really helped my back issues lately. If anyone is interested, I can refer you... of course that nets me a free massage too. :-P

-I interviewed (with another team member) a candidate for the open position on my team. He had already interviewed with my boss and our group manager. I figured he must be good to have gotten that far. Boy was I wrong. No offense, the guy seemed nice enough... but he had only 1 year of experience out of school... and definitely has a lot to learn and improve on. Especially his communication and inteviewing skills. Whenever we asked him a question he rambled on and never really answered the question. Plus he had a very hard time articulating what he wanted to say and ended up not giving us a straight answer. My impression of him was that he had no clue what he was talking about. My boss later told me that he had some major concerns about his communication skills and etiquette too. He said that when the candidate interviewed with him and another of the team managers, the candidate would ask questions but would't let the managers finish answering them... he would constantly cut them off. Plus the guy was a too honest for his own good. When asked why he was interested in our company... one of his replies was that he wanted to get corporate experience... then a follow up question was what do you want to do long term (where do you see yourself in 5 years)... which he responded with 'I want to start my own business with my brother'. That's all fine and dandy...but come on! Get a clue. I don't think he realized that when you are in an interview you need to give them what they want to hear.

-So if anyone knows anyone looking for work, contact me. My company always seems to be hiring... especially IT people. Desktop alone has 5 open reqs in LA.
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