curse of the cock

Jan 03, 2012 04:18

my journey for fux has been alot harder than any prostethic leg. i fear that the severity of the situation has elevated to health threatening levels. my testicles are no longer able to fit in any normal sized pants i own. the neighbor kids think its a tumor. my helmet head is so rubbed raw from over-tuggin'  im pretty sure a strong gust of wind will cause me to prejack. i just wanna sling starlet amounts of goo upon the mugs of angels. i dont expect anyone to understand but those who know me shouldnt be surprised. i feel like that fat chick in highschool that couldnt get laid. the one the prom king asked out and egged at the doorstep. just another addiction to add to the list of shit that keeps me up at night. i dont want to make anyone feel bad but i highly doubt anyone takes me seriously on the subject. no one sees it as a real problem. they write it off and say "youre always horney". they say its just me being a man. no one could possibly know how disgusting sad and alone it makes me feel. to self esteem, perfection, and other things of myth. ill get it right someday til then ill keep hammering nails down my urethra to temporarily stunt the sex hunger however brief it maybe.

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