[OOC] - Profile/Info

Oct 18, 2028 23:24

Name/Nickname: Levi

AIM - xShining Kestral
e-mail - raiegki_leviathan@hotmail.com
LJ: levikity

Canon Character and Series: Asch the Bloody, Tales of the Abyss
In-Game Name: Asch the Bloody
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please):

1st - Strategist, the Silvana
2nd - Helmsman, the Silvana

Appearance: Standing at five feet and seven inches, Asch's most identifiable trait is without a doubt, his long scarlet hair. He usually keeps it slicked back to avoid getting it in his face, but other times, it can be seen in a more messy state, especially in rainy conditions. His second most recognizable trait, though some would probably call it his first, is the perpetual scowl on his face. Asch is rarely seen with a smile, the happiest expression that most people will ever see him with is a look of indifference. Asch's eyes are green, but it is hardly a notable feature. Asch always carries himself with pride, standing tall and straight. He extrudes an air of arrogance and importance, and makes him look quite unapproachable.
Personality: Most people who have met Asch would describe him as grumpy.

That is an understatement.

Asch is an extremely irritable person. Arrogant and elitist, he gets frustrated easily and is prone to yelling at people once he has lost his patience, something he doesn't have much of in the first place. Asch is most definitely not a people person. He has yet to meet someone that he can tolerate, let alone like. As of yet, Asch lacks any real friends. He only has acquaintances and subordinates. As a result, Asch is difficult to interact with due to his pride and his somewhat skewed belief in the competence of those around him.

If anyone manages to get to Asch, he most likely wouldn't treat them much better. He will care about them, but will rarely, if ever, show it. Asch, in a nutshell, is the lone wolf type because things always have to be his way and not anybody else's. Asch is a great fighter, but pretty much fails at everything else in life.
Abilities/Weapons: Asch carries a sword and has been trained to become an excellent sword fighter and his name is well known because of it. Asch also has access to fonic artes, which is pretty much a fancy way to say magic. However, he is most known for his swordplay. However, Asch has one special power, one that he refuses to use except in the most dire of situations. It is called hyperresonance, which is an immense concentration of magical energy that has the potential to destroy entire areas if not controlled. Because of this, Asch refrains from using this power.

It's also worth noting that he's a fairly decent cook.
How well can your character hack?: Not at all. Asch has little to no interest in the network.
Weaknesses: Asch's weakness is his pride.

It does not allow him to work with others, especially those who irritate him or whom he considers incompetent, which is pretty much the entire population of Reial. Another is his temper, he loses it all to easily, which causes him to say hurtful things to people who actually are important to him or people that he needs to learn to trust and rely on. One last weakness is his stubbornness, it makes him unwilling to compromise or change, and also keeps him firmly rooted where he is, never giving people the recognition or credit they deserve, and it puts him in a rut for his growth as a person. Asch may be a well known swordsman, but he's still young, and has not yet fully matured into an adult.
History: Asch wasn't always Asch.

He was born under a different name: Luke Fon Fabre. The Fabres were a family of dukes and duchesses, directly related to royalty. Situated in Eraelia, Luke was born into a privileged lifestyle. He had servants, didn't have to worry about anything, and was your typical spoiled noble.

When he was ten years old, he was kidnapped. Panic broke out at the Fabre manor, and a huge search party was conducted. The party was a success, and a red-headed ten-year-old was brought safely back.

But, there was a problem. The child had amnesia, and no matter what doctors tried, he could not regain his memory. Eventually, it was decided that they would stop trying to recover his lost memory and start building new ones. Life went on for the Fabres. They noticed some personality changes in Luke, but they thought it was the amnesia that caused the change.

What they didn't know, however, was that the child was actually not amnesiac. The child could not recall his memories because he had none to begin with. The red headed boy the search parties found and brought home was not Luke fon Fabre, but a complete and perfect replica, a synthetic human born from the marvels of science and magic, a wonder of the modern world. The replica would continue to grow and develop just like a normal child and nobody but the most intelligent and well-versed scientists would be able to tell the difference. In fact, replica technology is currently an underground science due to the ethical issues that come with it. The kidnappers deliberately created this fake Luke to fool everyone, while they kept the real Luke. Unlike most kidnappers, these people were not looking for money or political gain. They were looking specifically for Luke's hyperresonance power, which he had yet to discover and learn to use. To this day, the Fabres are still unaware that the Luke they have now is not the same Luke from seven years ago.

The kidnappers took the real Luke to Kropmork-Nakh once the panic over Luke's kidnapping died down. It was there that Luke was given a new name: Asch. The leader of the kidnappers was a skilled swordsman, and taught Asch everything he knew, from swordplay to fonic artes. At first, like any child, Asch longed to return home, but he was entirely fascinated in what his kidnapper had to teach him and began soaking up the lessons. And his parents hadn't tried very hard to find him, did they? They got the wrong kid and they couldn't even tell that the replica wasn't their son! Asch's desire to return to the Fabre manor and his memories of his home soon faded. He had a new life now. In fact, he cast off the name Luke fon Fabre completely. After all, someone else was using it now, right? That wretched replica could have it, for all Asch cared.

Years later, after Asch had learned everything he could, he finally learned his kidnappers' true intentions and left. He had been taught well, too well, and nobody was able to stop him from leaving. But now that he was finally free, now what? He couldn't go back to Eraelia. He didn't want to go back. Instead, he headed for the main Reial continent, searching for a solution to his problem. Along the way, he got into many fights - with monsters, bandits, and people just looking for a friendly duel. Inadvertently, Asch had built up a reputation for himself as a swordsman. He was so fierce that people started to call him Asch the Bloody, and that was just fine with Asch.

Without a home to return to, Asch's best bet was to find one. But without much money to his name, the best course of action was to join an airship crew. None of the ships seemed to suit him, however. He did not want to join either an Ivonan or Vohemaro ship - he didn't want to get involved in the stupid war. Most neutral ships did not suit him either. Most of them were merchant ships and Asch had no intention of becoming a trader. Finally, he found the Silvana, which seemed perfect for him. A reputed cursed vessel with an astounding battle record. Perhaps they could be of use to each other, and he signed on as one of the ship's strategists.

info, ooc

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