Fate has dealt me a swift kick in the nuts

Jan 05, 2006 06:39

Son of a bitch.

That's all I can really say right now. Just... son of a bitch. The Jeep was stolen. My dad's Jeep, the one that was supposed to become mine in just about 2 weeks; it's gone. Hopefully either the police find it or my dad's insurance will compensate reasonably for it. The Red Scare sucks balls and I was really looking forward to having something decent to drive. But nooooo, now I'm probably stuck with the Red Scare. *sigh*

On top of that my dog Tucker almost fell into a storm drain this morning. My mom took him for a walk and when he stepped off the sidewalk, he fell in. If she hadn't been holding the leash he'd have gone completely down there. The poor puppy is all shook up.

Probably the most annoying thing that has happened in the past few days is that Bree has gotten in touch with me; as if I give a flying fuck about her or that genetic turd she's carrying in her rotten womb. Congratulations, you're going to soil the earth with another moron (nothing against the child but being raised by a petty bitch like her, anything is liable to be stupid and immature in the end).

Jesus fuck, what is happening in the world? Dave's car, the Jeep,... I need a fucking vacation. I've got 7 more weeks. x.x But then again, late Feb is going to be more awesome than words. Also, my plugins showed up and I'm beyond tickled with them. I've only toyed with one of them; the most important one. I remastered Tell Me. The original has stem mixes added in to fatten it up, along with lots of stages of compression and about 20 hours of tweaking and checking for translation on different systems, but using Ozone 3 I remastered it using just the stereo track (the way you normally master) and I did it in about 20 minutes. It's a WORLD of difference.

I'm excited about that. I really want a new computer. I can only run 1 instantiation of Ozone 3 on a stereo track using all the modules. If I do that, my system can make it. If I added different tracks or tried to dither down in the same pass, it'll give me the finger. There are good deals on refurbed Macs... maybe that would be a better route for me?

I hope Fowler really does go ahead with this studio thing. I know we could do a lot of good shit. Really good shit. I just hope he doesn't back down. Because I LOVE making, recording and mixing music. I know Robert does too. It'll be a good time.

Work is going alright. I'm much more motivated when I am getting fat paychecks. Working OT brings in the goods. I think I'm going to see about doing it as often as possible. Because my vacation is going to cut into any other jobs I get in the meantime, I may just wait until March to pick up a second one. I'm tired though. I want need to give myself time to rest. I'm not sleeping enough. Not at all. I need to make sure I don't run myself into the ground. Well, I have 2 more days to work after this... maybe I'll take early release on Sunday to treat myself? Maybe I'll just wait until Monday? Bah... no. I need the money. Fuck it. I can stick it out.

I'm doing alright. A little confused, but so far I'm doing okay. I need a massage. Later, kids.
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