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Nov 21, 2004 14:52

woah pepole.. actually im not gonna even be stupd **crosses out people and writes dana**

well let ne start over ,, dana is so gay for screening her comments and deelteing stellas and mine,, she just doesent want derek to no what i worte about her.. aww poor her

well i hope dana doesent tell derek somethinig like "o you cant hangout with loren any more" cause if she does thats really uncool.. but if she dd say that wich im pretty sure hse might i odnt think derek will stop bieng my friend.. right now he s my best guy frined but i think dana wll have funn letting him not come over my house.. but sometimes i think that derek will still be my friend even though dana will say no.. dont thnk dderek is the type to follow eaxctly what people tell him to do... i think thats what makes him awsome..

well i would tell everyone eaxclty what happened during MY AWSOME weekend!! but im really pissed off .... i was depressed but now im just pissed

ill just tell you a summary- fr mall stella katie katherine
sat- thirfting wih derek stella katie katherine
sun mall stella and libary !!

if you havent noticed this is happneing to me again .. yea rembear ashley and ryan just put derek into ryans shoes and dana into ashleys .. the only thiing thats dffrant is that iwas friends with dana and now i hate ehjr cause she is a backstabber.. but w.e let is happen again ..

nothing is gonna change i just wish people knew how they were tearing frinedships apart ..
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