I'll crosspost this to DW, but since I host my prompt tables here, I thought I'd throw it on up. I claimed MCU as a whole for prompts.
Deathless Aphrodite of the spangled mind /
(if she does not love, Jane/Sif, PG/K+) 2.
Some men say an army of horse /
(the most beautiful thing, Natasha/Pepper, G/K) 3.
...among mortal women, know this /
(You Could Release Me, Gamora/Wanda, PG/K+) 4.
...for those /
(can't find her (in this body), Christine/Maya, PG-13/T) 5.
He seems to me equal to gods that man /
(grips me all, greener than grass, Marci/Pam, PG/K+) 6.
stars around the beautiful moon /
(Luminous Form, Gamora/Nebula, PG-13/T) 7.
you burn me 8.
their heart grew cold 9.
you came and I was crazy for you /
(burned, cooled, Claire/Pepper, G/K) 10.
not one girl I think 11.
I simply want to be dead. 12.
may you sleep on the breast of your delicate friend 13.
here now 14.
but me you have forgotten 15.
stand to face me beloved 16.
someone will remember us 17.
when all night long 18.
and on the eyes 19.
Moon has set 20.
spangled is