OMG Dean having to kill Sammy... Jesus ripped my heart in two.. gah and Ava=HELLA AWESOME DUDE! wtf Gordon and Did you notice the pinky extension when Sam hand the gun on him? tee hee! BONDAGE DEAN and guh *explodes* *end incoherant ramblin*
*is still recovering from Dean omgcaressing touching Sam's neck*
Holy fuck, I was expecting a make out session. There should have been a makeout session. Jesus Christo that episode was well worth the wait man.
And a thought: You know how Gordon was all I gots Roadhouse connections? JoEvil h0ry h0r maybe?
I KNOW! I really didn't expect that at all! I mean Sam is EVERYTHING to Dean! L;KDL;SK;FD GOD I LOVE THE BOYS! Ava is so RAD! Gordon! LOL No I didn't see that, but I'll look carefully when the episode finishes downloading. I hate that it takes so LONG! DEAN BOUND. ^______^
AS AM I! Kripke is killing me!
Makeout session would have so happened if this was a FANGIRLS mind. And hey...who said they can't makeout. *goes to find fanfiction*
It could be Jo! I hope it is so DEAN can KILLLLL her DED. Seriously. I HATE HER! The mention of her name infuriates me.
Question: Do you have alot of RL friends who watch SPN? Ratings arn't doing so hot. :(
I think it is a fact in this fandom that everyone hates Jo. Therefore she must DIE. AND ZOMG DEAN SHOULD KILL HER DEAD!! BEST THING EVER.
:( x2353453453!!!! See I blame Grey's Anatomy for ratings. I know I'm all making with the hypocracy and shit because I watch it. But srsly it's not that great of a show if you really sit and pay attention. Most of the characters (except Izzie) aren't as developed and interesting as DEAN. Just srsly Meredith BUGS THE SHIT out of me. I want to spork her eyes out. I srsly wouldn't watch it if it weren't for it being on an hour earlier on CTV, because SPN kicks it's ASS. Gah.
And yes. I make all my friends watch it. They ARE IN LURVE with it. Just how can you not be? Best show, best fandom hands down EVEREVEREVEREVER.
Oh, God she has to die! When she appears again this is going to be me = :( DEAN SHOULD KILL HER! BECAUSE SHE TRIES TO HURT SAMMY AND YOU KNOW THAT NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HURT SAMMY!
Same. Grey's isn't what it use to be to me. I mean I still love the show and watch it EVERY Thursday. But ever since Denny died, I just can't seem to love the show like I use to. I have satallite so I watch SPN at 6 pm and GA at 9 pm.
YAY GOOD! I want to convert people, but it seems my friends arn't like me in that sense. :< There weirded out on Thursday's when my friend Air and I go to the school store and buy "Jared Pedalecki Candies" (Those rainbow candies Jar was eating during " A day in the life of Jared and Jensen ")We buy some every Thursday in celebrating of the nights NEW episode! GOD I LOVE THESE BOYS!
Okay first: ICON LOVE. He's so preeeeeeeeetty. *drools* I was just watching Smallville with him in it. *swoons* Love Him.
But ever since Denny died, I just can't seem to love the show like I use to. SAME. HE WAS THE FIRST REASON WHY I WATCHED TO BEGIN WITH. I just hate being reminded about him dying. That's what gets me. Also. I think the story lines are getting kinda.. meh... but I don't know maybe it's just mid season slump or something.
That's the best tradition EVER. I think everyone should start doing that. I;m so gonna do that this week, it's brilliant. I'll walk to Macs during Lunch break and buy a shat load! ^-^!!!
Dude. Stalk Vancouver airport?!? You ever do that I'll so come with.
I couldn't help myself! It was made by _adhara_ Plus I think she got the lyrics from the song Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge and I love that song! GOD is he ever! JENSEN!
Well I loved GA when I started and loved the 2nd season even more with Denny, but when he died, it seriously took a piece of the love I have for the show with him. JDM HAS TO STOP DYING ON TV SHOWS!!!
YEPPERS! We try to buy them every Thursday, unless Park Place is out of stock in which we are pissed for the rest of the lunch hour! I should think about walking up to Macs and getting them there. Just a longer walk for me. ;P
I KNOW! We should so all go together! Did you watch the commentary in Phantom Traveler and Jensen and Jared were all like "our flights always leave at 5:30 AM" AND I'M LIKE A;LDK;LSD;LF;L STALKING THE AIRPORT LIKE NOW!
I hope we get a snow day tomorrow! I want to read porn Jared and Jensen fanfiction tomorrow!
I think it's like JDM's thing to always die on TV shows. Like his cliche. Just like Jensen's is to always come THIS close to dying and then miraculously be SAVED! omg what would I ever do if he actually died one time... T-T
GAH, 5:30AM, I can't even get up before 8. Poo. Okay WELL I SHALL GET UP VERY EARLY FOR STALKING OF THE JENSEN AND JARED PURPOSES. Omg. Sometimes I question my mental health...
So much for the snow day huh? *curses the schoolboard and its crapaliciousness* I secretly think they're a council of demons undercover as boring fuddy duddies so they can make life a living hell for the youth of this town.
I think so too! I really hate it though. :( It always makes me SAD times 10. YES JENSEN! ITS CUZ HE'S PRETTY! You can't kill the pretty boy *pets*
HAHA! I could so do it! Seriously, Hop on the same flight as them to LA and than jump them when the plane takes off! :D My friend Air and I ALWAYS talk about ways were going to kidnap Jar and Jen. LOL! Some of them get really rediculous! And if all else fails we're just going to latch on to Jensen or Jared and hold on for dear life. (until someone pries us off them.)
I KNOW! I HATE TODAY SO MUCH! I was looking forward to watching SPN SEASON 2 over again and reading PORN! SCHOOL BOARD IS JUST PLAIN EVIL!
*is still recovering from Dean omgcaressing touching Sam's neck*
Holy fuck, I was expecting a make out session. There should have been a makeout session. Jesus Christo that episode was well worth the wait man.
And a thought: You know how Gordon was all I gots Roadhouse connections? JoEvil h0ry h0r maybe?
DEAN BOUND. ^______^
AS AM I! Kripke is killing me!
Makeout session would have so happened if this was a FANGIRLS mind. And hey...who said they can't makeout. *goes to find fanfiction*
It could be Jo! I hope it is so DEAN can KILLLLL her DED. Seriously. I HATE HER! The mention of her name infuriates me.
Question: Do you have alot of RL friends who watch SPN? Ratings arn't doing so hot. :(
:( x2353453453!!!! See I blame Grey's Anatomy for ratings. I know I'm all making with the hypocracy and shit because I watch it. But srsly it's not that great of a show if you really sit and pay attention. Most of the characters (except Izzie) aren't as developed and interesting as DEAN. Just srsly Meredith BUGS THE SHIT out of me. I want to spork her eyes out. I srsly wouldn't watch it if it weren't for it being on an hour earlier on CTV, because SPN kicks it's ASS. Gah.
And yes. I make all my friends watch it. They ARE IN LURVE with it. Just how can you not be? Best show, best fandom hands down EVEREVEREVEREVER.
Same. Grey's isn't what it use to be to me. I mean I still love the show and watch it EVERY Thursday. But ever since Denny died, I just can't seem to love the show like I use to. I have satallite so I watch SPN at 6 pm and GA at 9 pm.
YAY GOOD! I want to convert people, but it seems my friends arn't like me in that sense. :< There weirded out on Thursday's when my friend Air and I go to the school store and buy "Jared Pedalecki Candies" (Those rainbow candies Jar was eating during " A day in the life of Jared and Jensen ")We buy some every Thursday in celebrating of the nights NEW episode! GOD I LOVE THESE BOYS!
I want to go stalk Vancouver airport. <3
But ever since Denny died, I just can't seem to love the show like I use to.
SAME. HE WAS THE FIRST REASON WHY I WATCHED TO BEGIN WITH. I just hate being reminded about him dying. That's what gets me. Also. I think the story lines are getting kinda.. meh... but I don't know maybe it's just mid season slump or something.
That's the best tradition EVER. I think everyone should start doing that. I;m so gonna do that this week, it's brilliant. I'll walk to Macs during Lunch break and buy a shat load! ^-^!!!
Dude. Stalk Vancouver airport?!? You ever do that I'll so come with.
Well I loved GA when I started and loved the 2nd season even more with Denny, but when he died, it seriously took a piece of the love I have for the show with him. JDM HAS TO STOP DYING ON TV SHOWS!!!
YEPPERS! We try to buy them every Thursday, unless Park Place is out of stock in which we are pissed for the rest of the lunch hour! I should think about walking up to Macs and getting them there. Just a longer walk for me. ;P
I KNOW! We should so all go together! Did you watch the commentary in Phantom Traveler and Jensen and Jared were all like "our flights always leave at 5:30 AM" AND I'M LIKE A;LDK;LSD;LF;L STALKING THE AIRPORT LIKE NOW!
I hope we get a snow day tomorrow! I want to read porn Jared and Jensen fanfiction tomorrow!
I think it's like JDM's thing to always die on TV shows. Like his cliche. Just like Jensen's is to always come THIS close to dying and then miraculously be SAVED!
omg what would I ever do if he actually died one time... T-T
GAH, 5:30AM, I can't even get up before 8. Poo. Okay WELL I SHALL GET UP VERY EARLY FOR STALKING OF THE JENSEN AND JARED PURPOSES. Omg. Sometimes I question my mental health...
So much for the snow day huh? *curses the schoolboard and its crapaliciousness*
I secretly think they're a council of demons undercover as boring fuddy duddies so they can make life a living hell for the youth of this town.
I think so too! I really hate it though. :( It always makes me SAD times 10. YES JENSEN! ITS CUZ HE'S PRETTY! You can't kill the pretty boy *pets*
HAHA! I could so do it! Seriously, Hop on the same flight as them to LA and than jump them when the plane takes off! :D My friend Air and I ALWAYS talk about ways were going to kidnap Jar and Jen. LOL! Some of them get really rediculous! And if all else fails we're just going to latch on to Jensen or Jared and hold on for dear life. (until someone pries us off them.)
I KNOW! I HATE TODAY SO MUCH! I was looking forward to watching SPN SEASON 2 over again and reading PORN!
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