
Nov 03, 2009 19:55

My brain hurts
It won't quiet down and it hasn't for a few days
The constant pressure is more annoying than anything else
I have been sleeping
I have been eating
But the pain won't go away
Perhaps I need to let something go
I'm thinking too hard about something but who knows what
Let it out of there
The torture isn't worth the capture
Hot chocolate? More water? Coffee? Food?
Even the drugs don't help
I need a drink
The dehydration might clean me out since the water isn't working
Continue trying the little things
I'm not sick
I can't be
I don't have anything wrong, just a headache
It's like I've been wearing a headband that is too tight for too long
I can't take it off
The work isn't that hard
This shouldn't be a result of my situation
My shoulders are sore
My neck hurts
My jaw is tense and I've been clenching and grinding more recently
I think I need a reality check
Kick me in the ass
Splash me with the ice water bucket
I good night's sleep has been had and the feeling stays
I need to dance
I need to move my body in a way that makes me not think
I miss the feeling of talking through movement
I don't want to talk with words anymore
Not if I can help it
I'll return to the theater, work, come home and crash
The tension should be gone
It is gone
I will tell myself it is but I must believe that
I have no headache and no body aches and I feel wonderful
I am awake and happy and smiley
I don't clench my teeth
I don't grind my teeth
I sit up comfortably strait
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