Jul 23, 2009 12:56
I want to dance. I want steady enough income so I can take class regularly. Every time I put music on or am not doing something else, my body starts to move. I'm reliving freshmen year of college all over again. It doesn't help that Viv is gone. The combination of her being gone and not dancing is wearing on me quickly. I started writing this thinking I would say what I have been up to not how I hadn't realized I feel. I haven't journaled in forever, either in my book or on an electronic device. I have taken the time to write a few poems and things on occasion but anything of true feeling has been absent for... 5 weeks I think LJ says. God, what has happened to me? I managed to decide a little while ago that I am a modern dancer. I love musical theater to the point that I would be content if I could get a show but modern has so much stronger a pull on my heart.. I long to move in a kinesthetically logical way so often. I have been putting off getting into shape not because I have tried but I've actually been getting work. I will return to the life I miss. I can't put it off much longer. I have 4 more punches at Visceral so thats 4 classes I can use right when I get back. It's funny how many modern companies are in the city and how few modern classes there are to prepare the dancers. I'll have to head downtown to Lou Conte and do a search for company classes again.
I miss her. She is my partner in life. It's lonely here without her though distractions are helpful.
I've been trying to find more work. I get a full day tomorrow. The whole weekend will be consumed by a 48hr film festival project I'm working on because of a friend of mine. I get to act in it so it will be fun. Monday I sub at Beverly, where I've been teaching Saturday little ones. Tuesday I head to Dads though at this point I'm still working on how to get there. That Friday I head to fest and my Viv. I'm glad I will be busy until I see her. After fest I will be without her until the 19th. It will be 8 days. That will be much better than the 12 of now. After fest I'm not letting her go away. I won't be ready for that for a while.
What is going on in your life?
-I have a story to write then it will be posted. I also have a comic to create. That, too, will be posted eventually.