Character Drops

Apr 14, 2009 09:32

I've lost my RP zen so I'm dropping all my characters except Starscream, and I'm exchanging Blaster for Broadcast bebopbot. I'm still going to use this journal for modly stuff since the community is attached to it. Depending on the game's standing when Tirya returns I might bring Rattlelatch back in.

All current character drops:
Blaster - rockin_bot
Powerglide - awaaaywego
Powerlane/Powerrig - king_ofthe_road
Rattlelatch - keyinhand
Rattrap - rattitude
Jetstorm - jet_u_lag
Chromia - lady_boomstick
Ironhide - bullbythehorns

If anyone else has a character they'd like to drop, go ahead and comment here.

We do have a character add: Springer!
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