Oct 25, 2008 08:03
I am SO tired of being down here in CA alone. I wish there was a way for one or both of the girls to come down every couple weeks at least. It's pretty hard to deal with being absolutely alone in this little camper for weeks at a time when I had a house full of pets and two women in my bed. It's starting to play on my mind too. I had a fucked up dream about Jamie leaving us that woke me up at about 4:30am and I wasn't able to get back to sleep. Tossed & turned till 7, but no luck. Now if I'd had a warm bod to curl up with, even a cat, I'd have been fine. Dunno if I'm such a fan of being that dependent on another creature for my comfort, but I'll admit I miss my girls and my critters.
No word on the house, time is up on the deadline for the appraisal, cant get ahold of my loan officer either. So, I have no idea when I'll get to see my girls again, much less get them moved down here. Good news is it appears that Jamie will be able to transfer down here w/i her company as thy seem to be short on middle managers. That would be a bonus, but we shall see.
Back to my misery, at least I get to go back to work tomorrow, thats always a good distraction.