(no subject)

Jul 02, 2009 23:46

You know, I can totally understand those people who go crazy and kill all their family members, 'cause that is exactly what I feel like doing right now. I think I've just had it living in this house for so long. The only person who hasn't pissed me off this week is my dad, and that's only 'cause he spends all his time outside working out. I'm pretty sure he's pissed off at everyone too, 'cause when I do see him, he always yelling at someone.

I'm just really fed up with all the bullshit drama. These idiots who claim to be all "mature", and then act like 5 year olds when they throw a fit. Then they spend the rest of their time making up bullshit lies about me. My brother comes into my room when I'm not home and pretty much destroys it. My mother, as smart as she is, can act like a real fucking idiot at times.

I am so glad the weekend is finally here. I get to see Satsuki tomorrow AND saturday! SO EXCITED. I just hope I don't jizz all over him. I don't know if I'll be doing anything else at Anime Expo, I know Tang wants to but I just wanna see Satsuki, get my cd/tickets, and gtfo. I'm just too exhausted to even think about doing anything else. This class is really starting to get to me. The good thing is there's only two more weeks and it's over. After all the Satsuki crazyness, I'll be spending the rest of the week at Tang's since my family's going to Vegas, and I don't wanna be alone in this house 'cause I'll probably end up killing myself. =\

I'm gonna watch the final episode of Atashinchi no Danshi now! dslkjfslkfj!!

Edit: Finished! I'm sad this drama is over. I loved it. The final episode was SAODDSFHG;FJSDF!! I cried, I laughed, I cried some more, and the ending made me happy so YAY!
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