Jan 09, 2010 22:23
i watched it.
i never knew it's this easy to use keyhole tv.
so, emm, i watched it.saigo no yakusoku.
the ending was a bit "eeh..?" because i didn't understand a word!
maybe when subbed, it'll make sense..
the twist was a surprise.at least to me la.
i wasn't expecting it.it's not like i understand what they're saying anyway!haha
damn, i missed THE moment.
i was tossing on my bed, and "eehh..?!!!!!!!"
my 1st reaction was to look for rewind button, silly me.
well, i just have to wait for the subbed version, then i can press the rewind button as many times as i like! hahaha
the bias-me kept screaming "yaaaaaaaaah, kiut Toshi. Toshi soooo kiut!"
my cousin was rolling her eyes like mad every time i screamed.haha
have to work tomorrow..
haih, work is boring T_T
dorama:saigo no yakusoku