gig last night..

Dec 16, 2011 12:52

So we played a show last night at the 5 stars cafe downtown L.A.
At first I was somewhat apprehensive, because we played with a line up of crusty/ hardcore bands, and there we were showing up with a singer, guitar and bongo player, no bass or conventional drumset.Our djembe player is in Italy, our bass player is in Germany, and the other members flaked..Nonetheless, everyone got a lot into our shit , they were dancing and buying us beers, etc.It surprised the shit out of me. Actually, surprisingly enough, it was one of the best shows I ever played.
After the show some kids came to me and said that we inspired them to start their own band who'd sound like us (?)..And then some other guy put us on the bill to play with Total Chaos, Naked Aggression and Society's Parasites next month. I'm baffled.
So anyway, were looking for more gigs now, from Tijuana to the Bay area.
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