SGA, for me, is primarily The John Sheppard Show. *cough* It's also The TEAM LOVE Show, The Epic Gay Love In Space Show, The Carson Beckett Needs To Die Show, The Shut The Fuck Up About SG1, Carter, Before I Cut You Show, and the Really Boring And Longwinded Space Battle Show. Lately, it's also been The John And Ronon Are Adorable Together; Why Haven't I Noticed This Before? Show.
The John Sheppard Show is not a bad thing to be. Not in the least. :) But, but... Carson? I didn't know there were people in the world who didn't absolutely adore Carson (for me, it's also The Paul McGillion Rules The World Show). But then, that's the whole point, isn't it? We're all watching vastly different shows. As for that last one, welcome to the club. :)
I know that Carson has a huge fanbase, but personally I've hated his guts since season 1. His actions and attitude in The Storm and The Eye made me lose all respect for him, and he's been rubbing me the wrong way ever since. I have nothing against Paul though, he was hilarious in ADB, and the con reports have nothing but nice things to say about him.
Ah, the two-parter of doom. I was just talking to miniglik about the SGA writers' experiments in Morally Questionable, and how they've tried more than once to let the characters be wrong, which I respect immensely (see my Helo show title). And it's been hit or miss - always a hit with consequences (or Consequences, capital C, as in Michael), and always a miss when they go unchecked ("Childhood's End", anyone?). Carson, in that arena, had hits later on (again, with Michael - a clear case of not seeing the forest for the trees, in the naming of Doing The Right Thing), and he's had his moments for me, the aforementioned two-parter included. I just can't help but love him. And perhaps that's more to do with McGillion than anything. Maybe I'm just biased. :)
You're allowed to love him, just as I'm allowed to dislike him. :) It's a bit embarassing to admit, but when it comes to SGA I don't really think about the ethics involved. I just *oooh* and *aaaah* over the shiny stuff.
LOL I just noticed your "The TEAM LOVE Show", which is so frighteningly appropriate. It's almost as if, weekly, you could play "Who Loves Who More This Episode?". There's The John Loves Teyla Show, The John Loves Ronon Show, The John Loves Rodney Show (But In That Special Way), The John Loves Elizabeth Show, The Ronon Loves John Show (better knows as The He Dies, You Die Show), The Ronon Loves Teyla Show, The Ronon Loves Rodney But He'd Never Admit It Show, The Ronon Loves Carson, But Only Through The Occasional Hug Show, The Rodney Loves John Show, The Rodney Loves His Team Show, The Rodney Loves Radek (Honestly He Does) Show... The list could go on and on. It's the one case, I think, where an OT4 is completely and utterly justified.
Also, I think this is strangely appropriate. And if not, at least it's amusing.
Sorry if that translated to "Look, it's Carson! And he's awesome, he really is!". I totally respect disliking a character (and I have my share. My complete ambivalence on Weir, most of the time, is not exactly a popular fandom opinion. Neither is my "Ronon Dex trumps all" outlook.). Just wanted to share the laugh. :)
No, no, no, no, no, I got what you meant! I was just trying to think of something to say about the clip. I went with the Paul comment because it was easier on my part.
(I don't care for Weir either, and Ronon Dex does rock pretty hard)
30 Rock is The Jack Is Awesome Show.
Also, I think this is strangely appropriate. And if not, at least it's amusing.
(I don't care for Weir either, and Ronon Dex does rock pretty hard)
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