27 October, 2005
Dear Dante,
There are many new teachers here-it is strange and familiar at the same time. Classes continue, simply with new faces. Some of them seem peculiar, however.
As I mentioned previously, the new Herbology Professor is a bit odd. She seems to be a decent person, and loyal enough to her Family. If she is observant enough, she should have realised our correspondence already. I do not mean she know I write to you-merely that I write to Ashworths. She does not seem to be actively working for the family however-she behaved in a reasonable fashion at Gillian's last...behavioral abberation.
Gillian is up to something. This week, she did SOMETHING to Oniyama. Amaury, as I have mentioned before, is a nice boy, and does not deserve to have her attentions on him. I cannot understand why she has interest to the point of dousing him with some sort of potion.
I intend to speak with Madame Russiani soon on the effects of such things. Whilst our new Potions professor tells me that they cannot be too long lasting, he seems a bit mad. I miss Professor Juno-she was saner, I believe. At least, she was as sane as any adult within these walls seems to be. (I hear tell that the new DADA professor gave detentions like butterbeer to one of the upper classes.)
I have much work to do, as we have catch up to do in nearly every class, so I must close this letter out. Do write soon, and tell me what you are up to in your own life. Is everything back in order after that nasty accident a bit back? How is your mother doing? Are your own studies interesting?