Yep, it's not a secret, I enjoy gaming.
Some of you have mentioned an interest in practicing French with me, to either develop or maintain their skills in their second language. Some have mentioned that they had, in the past, either hosted or attended to gaming or RPGs in French.
Hence, I'm considering to host gaming nights as a fun opportunity to get exposed to - or to develop - skills in French oral interaction. Depending on availability and the interest, I guess that we could manage to have at least a "Franco" per table (perhaps such as mattei101, mnv_iii, niall_, myself), or - when not possible - at least some of the friends that are the most skilled in French (possibly such as foms, iclysdale/random, ironphoenix, metawidget, ragnhildr)...
So, here is a survey...
1. Interest. If I were to host such a weekly or bi-weekly gaming night in French, would YOU be interested? Do you think that some other friends or colleagues could be interested by such an activity?
... and for the potential attendants:
2. Formula - Repartition vs. Mixity. For the ones that would be interested, would it be more beneficial and helpful to share that gaming tables by the level of French (beginner vs. advanced), or to mix the players of all levels?
3. Availability. Wednesdays seems to be the evening that would work best with me: would it work with you? Otherwise, which other night(s)?
4. Venue. My place will not be ready to host before a month or so, but as it is at a walking distance from Place du Portage (Old Hull), close to many bus routes (STO and OC Transpo), and has parking spots, that would likely to be the location. Once ready, I expect to be able to accommodate 4 gaming tables; and should it be required, perhaps that some coffee tables could also be turned into additional gaming spots. Unless someone can offer a better location... Any comments...?
Note: this post is currently unlocked, but should I go ahead with the idea, the details and invites should be provided only to the ones that will have expressed some interest...
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