wow...the last couple of days have been sooo interesting! thursday, leslie, jill, and i decided to go to bookhaven, then to the thrift stores. thrift stores are great, and we got some great pictures of weird stuff. after fooling around for a while, we went to burger king for lunch. there, sumner, bryan, owen, and jessica joined us with a trip to roses following. roses was so fun! lisa ran into us, totally unexpected. i filmed leslie and owen's first porno in the carpet displays. great movie! it was a very fun day!
friday, i had to work at 7am. then i went to town with mom so we could take care of some errands. we went to the antique shop...always fun. i got a pretty little green triangle salt thing. also, really cool, got my fingers crossed...i started to talk to the lady about my rats. she told me that her daughter's friend was looking for a home for 2 ferrets. male and female, 6 months, spayed/neutered, descented, and very tame, need a home...for free! i gave her my number. i hope i can get them!!! that's be so awesome! anyway. went to wally world. bathing suits look awful on me! i am doomed. my hips are too big and so is the rest of me...
later, i went to the college to get my picture taken and have some corrections made on a write-up about me. then i picked leslie up and we headed to second tyme around to look for my special shirt. it is gone. gone but not forgotten....
"ode to the hideously beautiful shirt"
only the strangest of the strange could possibly want you
striped and obnoxiously loud, yet whispering, take me home
with the pointless back buttons
and the deformed shoulder pads
your hideous beauty spoke such wonders
soft comfort embracing
but no cash for buying
return i will to give you a home
on my return, i search every rack
no hideous beauty calling
i crawl on the floor, checking all hiding places
no hideous beauty to be found
the strangest of the strange hath stolen you away
no trace of my hideously loud striped beauty
i shall forever remember the feel of you
the pattern of your stripes
the absurdity of those stupid back buttons
oh how i will yearn for you
my hideously beautiful striped shirt
alright then...let me mop the tears off of my keyboard...ok i'm good now...
leslie and i headed back to my house after a brief stop at roses where we got stickers... :)
technical difficulties with pizza and lasagna made us "late" for sumner's party...we were the first to arrive...go figure. cherry kool aid made me hyper. i can't throw darts. and basically, for half of the night, i was kim and brian's counselor. it was a fun night. i am sure others will be able to tell more about that....i'm tired now. goodnight...
note: there are elephants in franklin! they fuck mice and give birth to funny-sounding midgits!