polka dotted birthday cake

Aug 29, 2005 01:20

Whenever i dont write in a while i always start out the entry by stating the fact that i havent written in a while, which seems kinda lame since the readers already know that i havent written in a while.
sooo that being said, i am going to update...
school started last monday and i feel like this is going to be a very good semester if i allow it to be
i'm taking two core classes and the rest are for my early childhood major
after this semester i'll be allowed to be a sub for gym, art, and music, and i dont even have to have my degree yet. Pretty cool huh.
I also am working at Captin's Quarter's full time, which means when i'm not at school i'm at work. Actually the only places i really ever go is my house, school, work, church, and Dianna's Deli. April and I plan on studying there a lot this year. I tend to get distracted when i'm at home and i feel like everyone's staring at me when i'm at school, so dianna's is the place for me.
Last weekend kelli, josh, madison, and i went to kent to visit chris and sebastine. I really enjoyed the campus. Chris gave us a tour of the school and we saw the memorial and everything. Madison thought it was creepy but i thought it was pretty cool. Josh and i decided that we're going to take ballroom dancing classes. That is if i can even register. But this year is the first year firelands has offered it and i love to dance so its perfect for me. Now all they need to get is swing dancing and i'll be one happy little girl. Next semester shane wants me to do golf with her. I was never really into golf, but if all i have to do is hit golf balls with my friends, and shane said they dont even grade on how skillful you are, then why not. I used to golf with my dad and kelli when i was little but i wasnt very good then either.
After church today kelli and i went to the people's house to hang out. Shaun leaves soon but the rest of the fam will be here for a little while longer. It's sad cause both the kids can say my name now and that's pretty impressive cause i have a hard name to say in the first place. Just playing with the kids today made me realize how much i'm going to love being a teacher. cant wait
Sorry about the lack of enthusiasm and dullness of this entry. I'm very tired.
More updates are to come
and you can take that to the bank
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