Francis Bonnefoy's Conseil D'amour

Nov 05, 2009 15:50

Francis Bonnefoy's Conseil D'amour

Welcome to the mailbox for Francis Bonnefoy's lovely love advice column!

Are you depressed? Are you a sufferer of amour non récompensé? Is there a certain special someone to whom you have given your devoted affection that you do not think knows you exist? Well, that is why I am here to help you! I, the lovely and ever-charming nation of France, invite you to request my most knowledgeable aide in the complicated matters of the heart! You may write a letter to me anonymously and I will gift you with le meilleur advice for you and your potential loved one. Each letter will be read in earnest, and chosen letters will be published anonymously in the newspaper, accompanied by my expertise française.

Do not be shy! I am only here to help; love is my specialty. ✩

[ ooc: Essentially, your character can write an anonymous (or not, if they choose not to, just tell me in the subject line) letter to Francis about their love woes or questions about love (or sex, or France), and leave them in a comment on this entry in his journal. Specific ones will be chosen and replied to, and published in the newspaper by the mods (or so we have attempted to arrange!). Francis gotta get paid, and no one wants to see him take off his clothes. Trust me. Love advice > naked pole-dancing Francis. ]

#rp: gargleblasted

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