According to the Facebook page for the convention, it'll start at 10 AM, probably on both mornings, and I'd guess that it'll run till some point mid-afternoon. A 10 AM singing in the States would probably end around 3:30 or 4-ish, but I've never been singing in Cork, so I don't know what their exact time frame is.
According to the minutes, the 2014 convention had two sessions after lunch, which indicates that they ran till about 3 in the afternoon (assuming lunch was over at 1, and each session is about an hour long). Your best bet might be to bring the parents around 11-ish to catch some of the singing and maybe some lunch as well.
It'll be at St. Maries of the Isle School on Bishop Street, in the city. If you want more exact information, let me know and I'll send you the e-mail addresses of the Cork Singer and of the singing chair, who should know these things.
It also struck me that, if you're not too totaled after work, we could meet on Saturday night for drinks or dinner or something in the city, if that's not too inconvenient for you.
Well, I'm still laughing at the suggestion to bring my parents to the singing. That's not going to happen, I'm afraid!
Saturday night might be a better bet. I defo can't let you come and go without meeting up. If only we'd more notice. I'd have arranged something and could have given you a bed.
I'm still laughing at the suggestion to bring my parents to the singing. That's not going to happen, I'm afraid!
Ah, their loss!
I'd love it if Saturday night could work! There'll be a social, but I'd much rather hang out with you, and I'm sure there's a pub somewhere in the middle of the city where we could at least grab a quick drink.
I have to go dancing now, but let's talk further about this. Let's do it over e-mail, and we'll figure out how to be in touch once I'm in Cork.
Sorry about the short notice, but I hadn't really known when the Ireland Convention was, just that it was in "early March." It turns out to be "First Sunday in March and the Saturday before," which is earlier than I thought, so I was scrambling a bit myself to get the arrangements made. But the upside is that now I know, so I'll be able to prepare better for next year, and we might be able to arrange a real trip.
Want to come to the singing? It's the 28th and the 1st of March, and you could check it out for a bit.
According to the minutes, the 2014 convention had two sessions after lunch, which indicates that they ran till about 3 in the afternoon (assuming lunch was over at 1, and each session is about an hour long). Your best bet might be to bring the parents around 11-ish to catch some of the singing and maybe some lunch as well.
It'll be at St. Maries of the Isle School on Bishop Street, in the city. If you want more exact information, let me know and I'll send you the e-mail addresses of the Cork Singer and of the singing chair, who should know these things.
Saturday night might be a better bet. I defo can't let you come and go without meeting up. If only we'd more notice. I'd have arranged something and could have given you a bed.
Ah, their loss!
I'd love it if Saturday night could work! There'll be a social, but I'd much rather hang out with you, and I'm sure there's a pub somewhere in the middle of the city where we could at least grab a quick drink.
I have to go dancing now, but let's talk further about this. Let's do it over e-mail, and we'll figure out how to be in touch once I'm in Cork.
Sorry about the short notice, but I hadn't really known when the Ireland Convention was, just that it was in "early March." It turns out to be "First Sunday in March and the Saturday before," which is earlier than I thought, so I was scrambling a bit myself to get the arrangements made. But the upside is that now I know, so I'll be able to prepare better for next year, and we might be able to arrange a real trip.
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