May 28, 2005 01:03
::: PAST :::
[ 1 ] First grade teacher's name: Ha i already fail this becasue i honelty dont remember, it was back at spencer i know that much...
[ 2 ] Last word you said: "off" to poppy when i got home
[ 3 ] Last song you sang: Bring Em Out, T.I..its on now...
[ 4 ] Last person you hugged: ummmm, erik or kaitlyn....i think it was kait...
[ 5 ] Last thing you laughed at: something i read on a IM screen a few minutes ago and at dinner with matt tonight...
[ 6 ] Last time you said "I don't fucking remember": have i said this before..maybe...i dunno
[ 7 ] Last time you cried: everwood two mondays ago, thats the only thing that i cry over anymore, sad really...
[ 8 ] What's in your CD player: Totally Hits 2005
[ 9 ] What color socks are you wearing: im not wearing socks, im so daring! i hate socks in the summer only wear em if its chilly or working out
[ 10 ] What's under your bed: three drawers with clothes in em and some air
[ 11 ] What time did you wake up today: 7:45
[ 12 ] Current taste: the rice crispy treat i made earlier today, i just had one, mmmmm so healthy...
[ 13 ] Current hair: pulled into a clip
[ 14 ] Current clothes: pink capri pj pants and a black spagetti strap know that one...
[ 15 ] Current annoyance: the door that keeps sqeaking
[ 16 ] Current longing: hmmmm.....
[ 17 ] Current desktop picture: uhhhhh.......
[ 18 ] Current worry: everything...hojpin my mutti's doin alright
[ 19 ] Current hate: ah, we dont wanna get into that one right now...
[ 20 ] Current favorite article of clothing: jewelry...
[ 21 ] Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: thats a, ummmm.....
[ 22 ] Last CD that you listened to: totally hits 2005
[ 23 ] Favorite place to be: in my BED!!!
[ 24 ] Least favorite place: haha, can someone please guess this and i so hope you get it right if you do ;)
[ 25 ] Time you wake up in the morning: between 7 and 9
[ 27 ] Favorite color: baby blue
[ 28 ] Do you believe in an afterlife: i suppose
[ 29 ] How tall are you: 5' 9", i hope i did the marks right...
[ 30 ] Current favorite word/saying: has not it always been Hot Shit, still is...
[ 31 ] Favorite book: Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings or Troy
[ 32 ] Favorite season: SUMMER!!!
[ 33 ] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Cheryl Stockwell, My best friend who passed away after battling a brain tumor her whole life, i never go tto say goodbye or how much she inspires me...
[ 34 ] Favorite day: weekends, mondays cool when i catch everwood...i dont really have a specific favorite day, depends more on what im doing really
[ 35 ] Where do you want to go: New York CIty
[ 36 ] What is your career going to be like: a very very good lawyer in a big city!
[ 37 ] How many kids do you want: at least a boy and girl i think...
[ 38 ] What kind of car will you have: haha, ummmm.....
:::HAVE YOU EVER.. . :::
[ Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: ] maybe when i was little...
[ Been to New York?: ] yup
[ Been to Florida?: ] quite a while back but im goin again in a few weeks!
[ San Diego, Cali?: ] no
[ Hawaii?: ] no
[ Mexico?: ] no
[ China?: ] no
[ Canada?: ] of coarse
[ Danced naked?: ] haha, we all have once in a while
[ Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: ] i dont think so after a while maybe
[ Wanted to be the opposite sex: ] every once in a while
[ Had an imaginary friend?: ] no
[ Been in a fist fight?: ] a fake one with my dad, i like to try and beat him up haha
[ Played rugby?: ] no
[ Do you have a crush on someone?: ] mmm, no treally
[ What book are you reading now?: ] haha, dont wanna say...fine....harry potter, im a dork i know...
[ Worst feeling in the world: ] guilt or extreme sadness when something bad happens, or depression...
[ What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: ] depends if i dreamt or not...
[ How many rings before you answer?: ] however long it takes me to track down the phone
[ Future daughter's name: ] il ike riley, there are lots of names i like though
[ Future son's name: ] tristen or caleb, there are also lots of boys names i like....
[ Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] monkey
[ If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? ] a personal shopper, hahaha....i dont really know...
[ Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: ] pretty much a righty, i can use the left poorly though
[ College plans: ] i was at GV, who knows about next year though, UDM, MSU if they ever give me that damn letter...
[ Piercings: ] five in the ears, two left three right
[ Do you do drugs?:] only in my head, kidding, no i dont
[ Do you drink?:] on occasion
[ Who are your best friends?: ] megs, shan, rayna, matt, erik
[ What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: ] thermasilk
[ What are you most scared of?: ] the future
[ What clothes do you sleep in?: ] haha, the skanky pjs! or you know, comfy pants and a tank...
[ Who is the last person that called you?: ] my dad
[ Where do you want to get married?: ] who knows
[ If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: ] that big huge hinderence in my life...
[ Favorite number: ] 11
[ Been In Love?: ] i have
[ Are You Timely Or Always Late: ] usually timely, to peoples houses and such always late
[ Do You Have A Job: ] babysitting?
[ Do You Like Being Around People: ] yea unless its really uncomforatable situation
[ Best feeling in the world: ] that one, extreme lust, love maybe, that strongly good feeling.....
[ Are you for world peace: ] why not? kinda hard in a realist world though...
[ Are you a health freak: ] some say i am, i try to be i dunno, possibly...
[ Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: ] no but alot of times it seems that way....tall bigger build footbal players have been very common...but i dont try for that i swear, just happens that way...
[ Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: ] dont we all?
[ Are You Lonely Right Now: ] eh, im doin alright
[ Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: ] who me? the one who'll be an old spinster with five million cats, of coarse not, lol
[ Do You Want To Get Married: ] eventually
[ Do You Want Kids: ] wayyy off there in the future sure
[ Cried: ] no
[ Bought Something: ] or coarse this is me wer'e speaking of here...
[ Gotten Sick: ] yes
[ Sang: ] yes
[ Said I Love You: ] no
[ Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: ] my mom this morning
[ Met Someone New: ] dont think so if i did im sorry to have forgotten you so soon...
[ Moved On: ] ive moved on very recently, bout two weeks or so though...
[ Talked To Someone: ] i have
[ Had A Serious Talk: ] i have
[ Missed Someone: ] i have
[ Hugged Someone: ] no?
[ Kissed Someone: ] unfortunately no...haha, im a skank what can i say...
[ Sang "Happy Birthday" to someone:] tomarrow if i can make it, im very sorry if i issues...
[ Fought With Your Parents: ] no but i did get pissed quite a few times...
[ Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: ] nope, ive had some weird dreams though, shame i cant remember any
[ Had a lot of sleep: ] prolly ive napped quite a lot, couple hours yesturday
[ Lied to a friend:] i dont think so...
[ Been lied to by a friend:] alwasy a possiblity wouldnt really know though would i?
[ Takin a shower:] three or four...