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Feb 02, 2005 21:34

fbla this morning: we are finally doing something productive for the tsunamia victims and selling relief bracelets...soo if anyone wants one i have some

latin: we had these grade conferences and my teacher was all like you must be doing something really special when you study, because it showing...it is really just my french background that enables me to do well without puting having to study as moree as i would..they really are quite similar in terms of gramar and vocabulary...after all french originated from latin...

la: we went to the audion and had this weird activiy with a poet from philadelphia..she would play us music and have us write our thoughts down and then share them...by principle it is not a bad idea, but it annoyed me that a lot of the responses came out as rap when the music did not really lend itself that well to rap..then again about half of the people there were african american....it was kindof odd, because then i went to this dance class with an outside dance company 9th and 10th and the same group of black people were there again..the class was ok, but was interrupted by people who wre not serious and would laugh and talk to each instead of listen and do the exercises..

what one of the songs did inspire me to write..and what i have expanded on:

darkness surrounds, encases, engulfs
lost in pain no light to lead the way
time flys by, but there is no clock
it does not matter
does anything
our human pursuit is selfish happiness
but how can i find it when i am so lost
no one will help me lost in themselves
must it be this way?
i try to fight against instinct and love for the sake of love
but i open empty hearts and minds
seeing nothing, finding nothing
leaving with empty hand and empty heart
is humanity so cruel as to forget love
so ignorant to not see, to not understand
the simpilicty of ourselves intertwined in external complexity
we all live for the same desire
and die in the same defeat
those who have sought for good have failed
and those who have forgotten good, have died as cruel as they always were
we do not change
history tells a tale, gives hed of danger,
but it lands on empty ears, empty hearts, empty minds
full of complex thought, but empty inside
that beautiful simplicity that is our basic soul is lost
has been forgotten and discarded
left by the wayside of modern life
no longer "important"
no longer necessary

the trial for history should be fun, and it is interesting how all the roles seem to fit their actors...it is interesting that she is giving us the whole week to prepare when we only probably need two or three days

and we have finally started to learn the mole in chem..it certianly took long enough...but i guess it would be easier to understand it now thatn at the beginning of the year. in fact i don't think it is really possible to understand a number so large..i mean ur brains can't even really comprehendre soe as large as a billion let something millions of times larger and to think that that is how much make up one mole, only one mole of a substance whichin reality is nothing at all in comparison to the unvierse, which is equally to large to comprehendre..the thing that is interesting about it though it that if our earth is so unique and that we evolved so much by cahnce then what are the possiblities for othercreatures or planets or starts or other objects that could exist. it is kindof annoying that our astronomers have spent so much time on trying to find earth lke being which is a trival prusuit, becuase even if we can find them communiction would be practically impossible, and if we evolved by chance than it is even more impossible that something else also evolved by chance, but by the exact same chance..and one difference in evolution coudld create a completely different and uncompatible being...yet it is more comforting to search for what we know and are used to than the what we don;t know, which is so much more... and yet is some ways much more interesting..also the problem know is that scientist have little funding from the state for the most part and thus can only afford to research what the state will pay for..it seem sstupid that the government should control the field of science, inparticulr which it knows relatively liitle about and may not understnad the implimentations it may have..if we look at the scientific revolution for example the chrch, which was in some cases practically the state, denied that teaching of the glileo and other spporters of the coperinican theory..to them it was wrong and not worth studying..in fact worht denying..however, the discoveries of those such as galileo and the mathematical work of Copernicus was so influentical as to change the tide and meanign of life..what is to say that we can';t discover something in the heavnes aor in our own worl that will do that same..and why should such possiblites be limited, when the states want to take the money and use it for something as trival as war..history shows that interna strife ruins a country, and on a larger scale internal strife in the world, such as war, could destory us and in many ways already has.
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