Jan 13, 2005 14:29
so yesterday was the fbla regional...and i won, both my test (which is quite amazing considering i studied the majority of it on the way down and helen was either tlaking really loud or singing right next to my ear the whole time) and the election, well sortof..there was two of us running and there was a tie so we are now "co-secretaries"-we had to do the candle thing like with njhs/nhs where you have to light the candle and then say "I do"...it was great because everyone was telling us to hold it at the same time so we were both trying to hold it and light it without burning ourselves...and my procotor for the test was great...at the beginning he seemed serious and then was like "not cheat...unless you really have to" and "if you have 25 dollars I do just happen to have the answer key up here"...
as for today:
english: thankfully vocab test was postponed until tomorrow, and she messed up puting my merchant of venice test into letter grade so it was really a 99 instead of an 89...and on the midterm half of our essay grade is following the 5 paragarph format...she said she used to be nice and call people up and give them a second chance on the essay if they didn't use 5-paragraph...but now she's lazy and mean and wouldn't"...and ten minutes later she tells us that she is really nice (kisses her hand to show it) because she graded our antigone tests lightly....
french: madame grand tête is very annoying...she wanted to go over the packet as a class, but we just insisted on doing it in groups...and she also patted me on the head....
dance: i presented my dance finally and it was rather bad, because i was nervous and dropped my prop as well as losing my balance....
environthon: we got practically nothing accomplished, but we still have three months...so whatever..
-and i really must do my model un paper....i have researched, but not written and it is due tommorow.....although with my three tests