(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 23:05

important / interesting events from the past week:

-last saturday night: coming back from barnes and noble w/ helen, nupur, and bridget - got to king street in malvern when I saw flashing lights of a police car behind me. Strangely I had seen the police car turning around in a parking lot just a ways back - I guess turning around to follow me? Anyway, so I pull over, wait at least five minutes while I completely freak out and scare Nupur / Bridget because it's past curfew. Then the cop, whose a woman, comes up and asks me to pull over into the next street, which scares me more because I think it means that it's something more serious, etc. So she takes an extra five minutes once we pulled off king street and then comes up and quite nicely says that the only reason she's pulled me over is because she thinks one of my headlights is out - I think she may have even used the word "hun". So she has me turn on my lights, all the way on, only to realize that they were perfectly fine and after she shines a flashlight in our faces wishes us a good and safe night and drives off. Spanish music. What's ironic is that on wednesday morning when I drove to the cardealership in exton to give my dad a ride because his car was going in for servicing he told me one of my lights was out and that he'd get it fixed because the police can use it as an excuse to pull you over. I hadn't told him about the saturday night experience so I was just like oh really, I had NO idea...

rest of the weekend consisted of rehearsal and stuff - Christina's birthday is the 13th and I still have to go get her a card or something. Unfortunately she didn't come to class on monday because she didn't have a ride, because her mom's away. Monday I missed stretch because of Mr. Great Valley, although I realized that I probably could have gone to at least part of it, which annoys me, because it's a good class and I really need it especially for my right side which a lot tighter than my left - in part because I think I pulled a huge muscle in my thigh. Only three girls showed up for the ballet part of the dance club dance and someone decided to change the schedule on us making us go before formal wear without telling us - so we were in the bathroom changing when we heard our music and only steph and I made it out it in time - well for the second time of our music - because they had to stop and start it again when they realized no one was on stage ready. So the first part was pretty messed up and it resulted in a picture on the website of me in a bad retire back in my pirouette - Nancy always tells us that it should look perfect from every angle and I guess this is one clear proof that I need to work on that - but my turns are improving - and today I managed somewhat poor triples as donna wished.

tuesday nancy had us partner which was rather intimidating. We started with double pirouettes on pointe supported by the guy - the guy holds your waist and helps push you around. It's easier than alone in a way, which is good because I can't do clean doubles on pointe. But the thing is that all the guys are amazing and I feel so bad when I realize that I am making them look bad / making it more difficult for them because I'm not clean or I'm not holding my weight well - it's one thing to mess up yourself, but it's something totally different to mess up when someone else is depending on. And christy actually talked to me as we stood behind dan freaking ourselves out - it's funny how she's only started being friendly to me now that she knows I'm her age.

friday was the dance club show. It was actually turned out a lot better than I thought it would. And although I'm relieved it's all over now, it's sad that this is my last year and all and really as much as we complained we all did have a lot of fun with it. Steph and I were talking after the show and I was asking her what was going to happen next year with dance club. And she asked me what I'd do if there wouldn't be one next year, and I had to reminder that I'm graduating. And then Julie James said that she was forcing me to go to West Chester and take class with her at Brandywine so she'd have "someone to bitch about" by which she meant to. It made me realize just how many people I'm really going to miss, and even the people I don't see or like nearly as much as Steph or Julie, both of whom I've gotten closer to this year w/ dance and love.
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