Laura's Blog: Intarweb Date 1/2/01

Dec 02, 2008 20:53

Ok, so I wrote this in econ at 930 this morning on 2.5 hrs of sleep; please forgive any ridiculousness about it. Feel free to giggle and point.

Everyone in here looks just about how I feel: exhausted and ready to break; brittle, as though we're all drumheads stretched out and left to dry. It has not been a comfortable process. I am prickly and chapped. In a few words on the Gold Standard - which lasted until the War and could not be reinstated in the post-war period - he tries to prove that the international monetary system, antebellum, worked exceptionally well. The problem with this is that my head is alternately filled with cotton wool and with bees. This world of balances of trade and standards and exchange standards is not the one I live in - and while my US$ is slipping and park rangers's ATVs in the country where I live are insured in the name of the Queen, I do not function on a standard of the pound sterling. The British no longer export 30-40% of their national wealth into the Continent and the US's economies. I no longer understand complex sentence structure. I hope this faculty will return to me with sleep during the day today and that I make it to my 4:30 class. [note: I did] Also I hope that I get a good exchange rate on my money next semester- this semester I got shafted and have $970 to cover $930 of bills and expenses plus christmas presents.

Theoretically, in periods of deflation, one should explore more for gold. In mental moments of deflation, I cannot get my shit together sufficiently to search for the things which will profit me. Like gold seekers, the good things I find for excessive profit are accidental.

I wish my confidence in the odds that I'll end up with a job was even a quarter as high as the near-delusional confidence in the Bank of England, which held about 10 Million pounds in gold for hundreds of millions of issued pounds sterling. That 30-40% of wealth invested made the Brits a ton of money - I'd like some money. Not even a ton, just $35,000 a year in salary once I graduate (Maybe more in Canada, taxes are effin' high here). I just want to live in reasonable comfort and independence without things I don't like (like a gas-guzzling car) eating up my money. This seems to require that I not move back to CT just yet, although I'm still applying to Southern. We'll see what happens. I lost $12,000 in the stock market this year, I really can't afford school and living costs, so I'd need to work for rent/food/gas... I'd rather not end up having to pay health insurance for myself while doing what my dad calls the "post-grad Barnes and Noble/Starbucks/Koffee? circuit" to keep an apartment, and living with my parents for more than six months will be utterly insupportable.

Today is the last day of class and Grantham is going to lecture on full-steam until 10:25, just in time for us to hand in our papers and get the hell out of here. I have one more class this afternoon and then the semester is over and I can cross one class off my list (ENGL 352, my lit theory class). 1 down, 5 to go (because I'm crazy) and econ will be off the list Friday at noon after its exam. I really need this semester to be over before I go mad.


Coming up on the Laura show: a blog entry that is not based in whining, instead telling the story of why Sarah thought a two-year-old in a restaurant was trying to kill her. (It's a good one; stay tuned)
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