Random Musings: 11/19/06

Nov 19, 2006 01:54

So here I am, at work, kinda bored, with no one around to chat with, and I remember I should be maintaining at least a semi-regular journal.

There's not enough time to do all the things I want and need. It's becoming patently ludicrous how time crunched I am every day. Trying to find shortcuts and things I can cut from my routine is really challenging, too. I've given up a lot of TV shows I can live without, so that has helped, but there is still so much TV I watch. I'm not cutting out Heroes or Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on Mondays. I might cut CSI: Miami, though. CSI: NY might also get the boot on Wednesdays, but Lost is among my favorites, so that will stay. Argh, it's just frustrating watching the shows pile up on my DVR that I must then watch and erase on my nights off, just to start the process over again. I was doing better over the summer when there weren't as many shows to watch.

Really, it's all lala's fault. I spend so much time involved in lala-related activities that everything else suffers. The forum, blurbs, sending CDs, receiving/confirming CDs, looking for more to add to my want list, etc. It's just so much and it eats away at the time I could be using for other things, like watching those damned TV shows piling up on my DVR. And related to lala is the time I devote to the lovely Clare Crosslin, my Internet paramour from St. Louis that has helped brighten my existence considerably these past few weeks. Were it not for lala, I'd never have found her, and she is someone I will make time for, grabbing it from thin air itself if I must.

I'm making some major changes to the story surrounding my ARG (check my MySpace blog for more detail).  It will still be science fiction, and the game will still basically unfold the same way, but the basis of the threat faced by the players is now different.  I offer no more details, of course, but these changes will require some rewrites on the source material I have developed so far.  Fun times.  Writing is revision.

I'm seriously considering spending the summer in Indiana with my family.  I have many reasons for this.  I need to spend more time with my family, especially my father.  He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and I am concerned about him.  The last time I visited was for three weeks from mid December 2001 to early January 2002.  It will soon be five years since I saw my family and that's not cool.  Also, I do need to get out of my current living situation.  My little studio apartment has served its purpose well these past 3+ years, but I'm ready to move up to something bigger and better.  Moving out to go to Indiana for three months should help force me to get out and find a new place to live upon returning for fall semester 2007.  Finally, there is Clare.  If she can come out to see me in March and it goes well (I'm confident it will, even to the point of guaranteeing it with her, but I know that sometimes life has a way of surprising you), I'll be wanting to see her more often.  This will be possible if I'm in Daleville, Indiana, which is much closer to St. Louis than Los Angeles.  I would be driving to Indiana and I would definitely pass by St. Louis on the way, so I can see how stopping there for a few days is certainly reasonable.  I would also be able to do the same on the way back to L.A.  And I imagine a few weekend roadtrips to see Clare wouldn't be out of the question.  She also suggested coming to see me and meeting my family.  If she does this at least once, that means next summer I could see her at least 4-5 times.  I really like that idea.

Anyway, I think that's about all I have for tonight.  Hopefully finding stuff to write about will become easier the more I do it. 
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