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[ text ] crabcook February 5 2011, 05:19:49 UTC
Tomoe-kun, I think we need to talk... about that article about Tsukiko


[ text ] frenchcapricorn February 5 2011, 05:25:00 UTC
Yes... I saw it. How could anyone do such a thing?


[ text ] crabcook February 5 2011, 05:26:25 UTC
I don't know... I don't want to know. More importantly, have you spoken to that woman? Her name is Lust


Re: [ text ] frenchcapricorn February 5 2011, 05:29:48 UTC
I haven't, unfortunately. From what I've seen though, she doesn't seem like a very trustworthy person.


Re: [ text ] crabcook February 5 2011, 05:32:19 UTC
I agree with that... Earlier, she had been insisting she and Superboy weren't dating, but now she's upset by that false article about him cheating on her. She keeps trying to keep us from going to find the person who wrote the article, also... I just wanted to know if that seemed as suspicious as I think it is, I suppose.


[ text ] frenchcapricorn February 5 2011, 05:35:48 UTC
Putting all of those factors into consideration, it does seem quite suspicious. I hardly think that's innocent, but maybe we're jumping to conclusions... I don't know.


Re: [ text ] crabcook February 5 2011, 05:37:24 UTC
I'm worried about that, too... Still, she seems to know where the article came from, and is set on handling it herself.


[ text ] frenchcapricorn February 5 2011, 05:44:24 UTC
Do you think we should try and look into this further, then?


[ text ] crabcook February 5 2011, 05:48:46 UTC
Would you disagree with me?


Re: [ text ] frenchcapricorn February 5 2011, 05:50:53 UTC
Not in the slightest.


Re: [ text ] crabcook February 5 2011, 06:06:33 UTC
I thought so. Since it's like that, we'll look into it more. Yeah?


Re: [ text ] frenchcapricorn February 5 2011, 16:44:12 UTC
Count me in. Planning to bring Kanata into this too?


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