I hate my new boss

Mar 05, 2008 23:09

He treats everyone like dogs.

other than that, hilary won three states yesterday Texas, Ohio, and vermont. Obama took rhode island. This would suck except for the fact that all the big news stations and papers are still giving Obama around a 100 delegate lead. But with the delegates standing as they are, we are probably still going to be doing primaries and caucuses until june. Oregon might finally make a difference in this stage of the nomination. Crazy.

If katie doesn't come home this summer i think i'm going to go visit her. New york would be awesome to go visit, plus shows, shops, coffee, culture, galleries, oh my. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. that city has everything. And see her would be awesome. Getting away from here would be awesome too.

gonna try to go to bumpershoot with Andy, dave, and harry this year. Last year sounded awesome, so why not go.

AND, last but not least, i'm saving up for another tattoo. Its a concept right now, but i want to get something thats kindof a cross between a phoenix and a swan. For the phoenix, i really like the symbol of rebirth that it represents. And the swan has the whole ugly duckling story tied too it. Ask me about it and i'll tell you more indepth if you'd like. That was kind of a lame explanation, and i'm too tired at the moment to embellish it.

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