A good laugh

Jan 13, 2015 19:36

You all know what I think of the political hijacking of the march, especially of the procession of the Internation rulers...but there's still humour to find in any outrageous stuff *.

For instance there's that pigeon who decided to defecate on François Hollande while he was greeting the survivors from Charlie Hebdo, causing some of them to laugh a great deal then. It was simply perfect as if the irreverent pigeon in question were a reader of CH!

And there's a certain former president whose mediocrity doesn't know any boundaries, who wasn't pleased to be on the third row, behind the rulers and their bodyguards, and wanted to be seen on the pictures so he managed to sneak in and took root in the first line to appear on, at least, one photograph before security stepped in and asked him to go back to his place. Of course, the whole thing was quickly noticed and some creative people started on twitter the hashtag #JeSuisNico, posting cartoons but also pictures on which the former president in question was embedded...and suddenly he was everywhere, in Yalta, on the moon, in paintings, in Star Wars...

It became a tumblr page HERE. Some are very well done and quite funny.

One of my favourites are:

That one above made me laugh so much when I first saw it on twitter!

We are an old people from an old country, but sometimes we're just 12 years old!

* NB: Speaking of photoshop work, apparently a Hassidic newspaper in Israel decided that the picture of the rulers had to be fixed and took out both Angela Merkel and our Mayor, Anne Hidalgo, because you know, they are women...

pics, world

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