On consequences

Oct 17, 2005 19:40

Ohlalala! I saw episodes 6 and 7 of The Shield season 2.

I didn't see Connie's death coming! They always manage to surprise us. Poor Connie, she was clean, she wasn't on drugs anymore, she had hope for the first time, she could have taken her son back and bang she got shot because Vic sent her on a mission as a CI! One more reason for him to sink deeper, even though he's falling for that blonde woman who runs the shelter for beaten women...The show can be so dark, so hopeless. But the scene with the black kid lecturing Aceveda about the stolen bicycle was really funny. Julian was cool on that scene too, but he really needs to be kicked in the ass for wanting to get married with a woman he barely knows just to escape his homosexuality because his reverend told him so. Well at least he told Vanessa about his "sexual reorientation group"but he's gonna ruin her life and her son's.

But Julian and Danny are characters who tend to annoy me sometimes unlike Claudette who is a rock and knows to tell it like it is or Dutch who makes you want to root for him despite his mistakes and moods! Even Shane can be surprising and has his moments...when he isn't an asshole and an idiot.

I really like how the writers carry on with stories that were left a few episodes before like the Bob and Marcy case, or the Armadillo issue. At the end of the day the series is all about the consequences of choices that were once made. For instance Dutch chose to stay clean instead of making up the evidence that would ruin the fat guy whom he thought guilty. He didn't cross that line that Vic crossed a long time ago...a line that Vic doesn't even see anymore. But everything keeps coming back to bite his ass and payback is a bitch.

And Ronnie paid for him, he got burnt by Armadillo the way Armadillo was burnt by Vic.

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