New addiction

Jan 09, 2011 13:17

Since it's pretty quiet on the tv front, I have begun a The Wire marathon. I meant to watch it for a while but it's a 5 season series and I had already current shows to watch. But now that I've started, I feel that I won't be able to stop.

I'm 4 episodes into season 1 and loving it. I'm already hooked.

The Wire reminds me of The Shield a lot, with a little bit of OZ too. Actually it's more ambitious than The Shield. It is a great show that deserves all the praises it received, although I wouldn't call it the best tv series ever made. Maybe I'll change my mind, but it doesn't have that little something, art-wise, that the shows I put in my tv pantheon (that is OZ, BtVS, BSG and Breaking Bad) have.

the wire, tv shows

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