First reaction

Dec 05, 2009 15:47

I don't care about the ratings, Dollhouse currently offers the best minutes of television you can find, period. Season 2 rocks! It's smart, it's daring, it's layered, it's twisty, it's winky and it's funny. More than ever it has become a hall of mirrors and a cavern filled with echoes.

But looks like, as we say over here, that "c'est donner de la confiture aux cochons".

Also Enver Gjokaj is the shining star of the show, and one of the best actors around. I can't wait to see him in that film starring Edward Norton and De Niro!

Mr Whedon does have some nose when it comes to actors but I really wonder whether Joss realised how fabulous guys like Chiwetel Ejiofor and Enver Gjokaj were when he hired them...

PS: I will try to gather my thoughts and post an elaborate review of "Public Eye" and the "Left Hand" later.


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