Did they really have a plan?

Oct 27, 2009 14:35

I mean the BSG writing team, not the cylons...

Because I've just watched "The Plan", that BSG movie that was supposed to reveal a lot of things thanks to the Cylons' point of view. Well...I feel underwhelmed, to say the least. I didn't have high expectations, but since I had been pleasantly surpised by the pilot of Caprica I thought that maybe "The Plan" was worth watching.

Alas, this movie was disappointing and unnecessary. It hardly added stuff to what we knew. It's the first time I'm so negative about BSG but this tv movie didn't live up to the series. Compared to "The Plan", even "Razor" was a masterpiece.

"The Plan" is like a collection of deleted scenes put together in bonus features on a DVD.

The whole thing looks cheap with the mixing of too much old footage as padding and new shots with available actors(btw EJO looked really younger in the old footages), the editing sucked and the writing was rather weak even though I liked the idea of all skinjob models having second thoughts, dilemma and being somewhat "contaminated" by humanity.

The missing scenes about Boomer as a sleeper were interesting but Sam's life on Cylon-occupied Caprica was boring.
The most moving moments were about number Five, aka Simon, whom has been underused on BSG until then. I liked the final scene betwen Simon's wife and Tyrol too.

I also enjoyed the metaphor of the little kid (young John)haunting Brother Cavil on the Galactica until he finally gets rid of that "human" part of himself -the best part Boomer would have said- while his twin on Caprica gives up on killing Sam or Kara. It foreshadowed his final suicide in "Daybreak" and it reminded me of what Ellen said about him in season 4, that he was "a little boy". The airlock scene with the two Cavils arguing with each other echoes his inner repressed struggle.

I enjoyed seeing Leoben again too. He's just so sexy. There should have been more of him.

Now I hope they won't screw up Caprica the series. .


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