Oct 10, 2009 14:09
I will write about "La Belle Chose" later but I saw it and I needed to squee right now!
Victor-Chaucer-Paul is the best trio in my book. I've been saying for a year that Enver Gjokaj is an acting wonder and he was again fantastic! That man is a gem. What an amazing versatile actor! Tahmoh was also VERY good in the episode (he got the chance to show his skills at last), and extremely handsome. And tall!
Enver and Tahmoh are a great team, they both owned the episode.
After that one, I'm still torn between being a Paul/Adelle 'shipper or a Paul/Victor supporter. Perhaps Paul/Victor/Adelle is actually the right combination(and Adelle can watch, just like in my favourite scene from "La Belle Chose"!).
Joss, what you do to me!