Tv fest

Mar 21, 2009 17:50

I shall write a review of BSG finale later or tomorrow (I may need to watch it a second time and it's a 2 hour thing) but for now let's talk about Terminator: The Sarah Connor's Chronicles and Dollhouse.

I didn't expect John to have guessed about Riley's background so soon. I thought he knew she was hiding something but would find out about her being from the future after her death when facing Jessie. He's turning into an interesting character. I can see the potential leader now. The flashes from Jessie's future make you wonder whether John is still alive or has somehow merged with Cameron. Did Derek kill Jessie in the end? Looks like it's open to interpretation and the writers saved the possibility to have her back. Not sure the submarine storyline works though. I had some problems finding Jessie credible as a XO. As for the T1000 or T1001 (do we exactly know which model it is ?) refusing to join's something I had been waiting to see since they introduced the character of Catherine Weaver. I hope we'll get another season for I now find the John-Henri /Catherine dialectics quite intriguing. So has Cameron stopped killing birds?

And now let's speculate about Joss' new baby.

I don't think the point of the episode was in the obvious twists. I mean, Mellie turning out to be an Active wasn't that big a surprise. sister_luck  and I have figured it out in the first episode, we couldn't have been the only ones. Same with Sierra's rapist. Her handler was the best candidate and we knew from a previous episode that bad vibes were coming off from that guy. So I really don't think that Joss' intent was to fool the audience.  I even think that the twists were actually there to conceal other things and distract the audience from something else. And yes it was the best episode of the series so far. More Tahmoh, either half-naked or not, Sierra and Victor and less Eliza is definitely the way to go! ;- ) By the way I loved the fight scenes. I could watch Tahmoh fight for hours...especially the first fight scene against the security guys. I know he must have a stunt but I also know he's been practicing martial arts for years and it shows. I'm pleased to see him flesh Paul out. There's something twisted and brutal in him that Helo never had for instance.

As for the writing, first off, I really loved the interview stuff and how the people in the street were used as a greek chorus.

Secondly  there's the rape minor plot. It led to an interesting discussion between Adele and Hearn, and later between Adele and Dominic.  Is there a difference between what Hearn did to Sierra and what happens to dolls during an engagement when they have sex with the client? Sierra's distress seems to prove that there's indeed a difference. No matter how fake a personality is during the engagement, the person she/he is then still has free will, and perhaps true feelings, while Hearn used his triggering power over his Active to turn Sierra into a sex toy who wouldn't struggle. Also at the end of the episode, Adele said that Mellie does love Paul Ballard.

I also enjoyed Echo's new engagement and what it meant. What was the guy's name? Mynore? It sounded like Minear but it can't be Minear, can it? Anyway Echo's role as his wife, Rebecca, was well done. The "porn" joke was funny and for the first time I think that Eliza did deliver the lines. So this time she was basically hired to play a dead wife, a ghost. I must say that I found the ending scene, after she stated it was "not finished", quite touching...well in a twisted way -after all the engagement wasn't complete indeed, the missing part being, the sex!  Compared to what happened to Sierra it didn't seem so wrong. Also Mynore's fantasy of "playing house with his wife" echoed Victor pretending that he and Sierra were married.

I also thought that the conversation between Paul and that rich guy was meaningful and could be foreshadowy. What do we know about Paul Ballard? He said he was married once upon a time. He is really obsessed with Caroline (the look on Tahmoh's face when he saw her was perfect)and he does have that fantasy of rescuing the girl, and perhaps of having her falling in love with him eventually. Mynore touched a nerve when he told him so, just like Mark Shepard's character did when he called Caroline a whore. Paul obviously decided to kiss Mellie and slept with her in order to make a point, to prove himself that Mynore was wrong. Could Paul be a client of the Dollhouse without actually knowing it? Could he have chosen to have his own memories wiped in order to live a complete fantasy? Perhaps he never was a FBI agent to begin with. Perhaps he's chasing a ghost from his past thanks to a new personality that has been imprinted. I know it sounds a bit Total Recall-like but who said that the only fantasy one might have is to hire a doll to use? Isn't becoming someone else a fantasy too? Something in Paul's past might have driven him to want to be turned into a knight who would never give up until the mission is done. He would be a sort of doll himself then, as well as a client. It would explain why Adele never demanded that Ballard should be killed. The client must be satisfied, and as long as Ballard hasn't saved Caroline, the engagement is not finished. I like the idea of a fantasy within a fantasy, a plot within plot. Paul as a client could be also suggested by his having sex with an Active. Of course Adele not asking for Paul's death might simply show that she isn't that bad.

At last, there's the question of the possible insider, if what Echo told Paul is true. We saw Topher leaving his work place to talk to Boyd, and we're supposed to think that someone might have sneaked in and altered Echo's print, but, knowing Joss, it could be a mislead. If Paul is indeed a doll/client himself, Adele might be behind the info Echo gave him. And there's also the fact that Hearn was threatened to be sent in the attic. Does it mean that handlers might be dolls too or was "attic" just an euphemism for death? By sending him to Mellie, Adele killed two birds with one stone, she got rid of him and gave Paul something confirming what Echo told him.

This is getting really long but I also wanted to say that I found Sierra/Victor really cute and the actor who plays Victor does a good job.  

ttscc, dollhouse

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