J - 2

Apr 20, 2007 17:52

Our first candidate today must be unknown by foreigners...Hell he's barely known in France!

Nihous is the candidate supported by CPNT (Chasse, Pêche, Nature et Tradition) a  small traditionalist lobby party that represents what we would call "La France profonde" (rural France). The Green party is their nemesis for they defend hunting and claim they ( Read more... )

french politics, politics, présidentielles

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Comments 17

sister_luck April 20 2007, 18:52:55 UTC
Just a few comments on the fly:

I don't like the Nihous poster - the mix of colours doesn't work for me and it looks cheap.

Ségo's flyer is very interesting and unusual because of the white background and the picture that is cut off. It's striking in an unusual way. It is very arty but at the same time simple.

The next one is much more conventional and boring. I don't like the picture of Sarkozy - he looks slightly arrogant and not very trustworthy. There's a hint of benevolence, yes, but it seems patronizing, like he knows best.


frenchani April 20 2007, 19:04:31 UTC
It is cheap. CPNT doesnt' have the same ressources as big parties. But don't you find Nihous quite sexy?

Yes Sarkozy looks arrogant, that's why I said he "TRIES"...


sister_luck April 21 2007, 09:06:42 UTC

Well, he's not my type. Rugby players aren't my thing. There is something about him, but I'd have to see him move and talk to find out whether he's really got sex appeal.


frenchani April 21 2007, 10:17:19 UTC
I agree, the way a man moves reveals whether he's got sex appeal.

But he's tall and has green eyes...I have a soft spot for green-eyed men.


syderia April 20 2007, 19:25:54 UTC
Nihous, well, I don't know the guy and have never heard of him, which is proof of how closely I followed that campaign, so his poster doesn't inspire me anything ( ... )


frenchani April 20 2007, 20:21:29 UTC
Let's switch then!

Ni ma mère ni moi n'avons apprécié sa photo, parce qu'elle nous paraît beaucoup trop glamour.

Oui mais elle ne peut pas trop jouer la carte de la proximité avec les Français, pour elle ça serait contre-nature et personne ne serait dupe!

He makes me thing about an alligator, waiting just under the surface to chew a limb away.

An alligator!


*pictures France as a bayou*

Je le crois beaucoup trop nerveux pour être un alligator ou toute autre bête à sang froid. Ce qui est frappant c'est de voir à quel point il est transparent finallement.


syderia April 20 2007, 20:26:40 UTC
elle ne peut pas trop jouer la carte de la proximité avec les Français, pour elle ça serait contre-nature
Je suis d'accord et c'est l'une des raisons qui me pousse à ne pas voter pour elle, parce que sa nature me paraît bien trop individualiste et qu'un président est censé savoir travailler en équipe.

A panther then ? Perched on a tree, waiting for the prey to pass underneath him so he can jump and eat it ?

One thing is sure : I'll be glad when it's all over. I'm tired of politics. (J'ai 21 ans et je me sens complètement désabusée... Je me fais peur parfois)


frenchani April 20 2007, 20:29:37 UTC
Non il n'a rien de félin, plutôt canin, et les panthères sont bien trop belles!

What about a coyote or a dingo?


lijability April 21 2007, 03:47:48 UTC
I think the idea of having Segolene's picture to be just her face is to associate only her ideas with the woman, and put those ideas to the forefront.

Interesting, Nihous.... His name would seem to belie a German heritage. I don't think that "Ni-" is a French prefix for a name, but "Nie-" meaning lower in German is. And in French when the name "Hous" is adopted it would be spelled "House." So my guess is that this guy isn't a traditionalist Frenchman but comes from German immigrants from Westfalen or Lower Saxony where the name is spelled "Niehaus." Heck the guy might be related to a Niehaus family here in my hometown whose family comes from the same small town just north of Osnabrueck in Germany. How's that for a conspiracy theory?


lijability April 21 2007, 03:49:48 UTC
Same small town north of Osnabrueck in Germany where my paternal family line originates - I meant to say.


sister_luck April 21 2007, 09:04:28 UTC

Funny, I thought the same thing about his name and then I know next to nothing about this kind of thing.

I've got a colleague of that name, btw, and there's an old sign in my neighbourhood that has a connection, too.


lijability April 21 2007, 17:50:19 UTC
Chani came through with the answer just below, his paternal line is Dutch. So the spelling is about halfway between German and English, thus Nihous.

But was your colleague of the name Nihous or Niehaus?


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