( Hey Lynn, two C words at once!)
Just saw a post by
st_salieri and it made me wonder if I had celebrity crushes...
Does the fact I'd watch almost any movie if either Sean Connery or Richard Gere or John Malkovich is in it mean I have a crush on them? BTW it used to be true for Harrison Ford a long time ago, but too many bad films broke the rule in regard to him. And yes I may go to see Slither just for Nathan Fillion !
Do I have a crush on Tom McRae? His music, the way he sings, his poetry move me a lot and I've been known to behave like a fangirl once or twice on LJ...
Honestly I don't know. It's hard to have a crush on someone who isn't really a real person for you, you know.
I definitely have celebrity fantasies though. Because let's be honest, their talent aside, the actors whom I mentioned do have sex-appeal or are just so pretty and charming like James Marsters! They are meant to make us fantasize, they are the stuff dreams are made on...
But I think that to have a crush on someone that person somehow must have become a familiar while a fantasy is something that is merely based on an image you have and on your own projection. So yes those celebrities took my fancy.
Knowing a lot of personal stuff about a celeb can destroy a fantasy, but I guess it also can create an illusion of familiarity that would make someone develop a crush on them.
As for me, I guess that I rather have crushes on real people living around me (which includes Internet people) or on fictional characters.
I've had crushes on characters from novels, from comic books, from cartoons, from movies, and mostly from tv shows...Those are the ones who usually become the most familiar for they stay with us for a while, so they are big on the crushometer !
7 seasons of BTVS and 1 season of Ats turned my crush on Spike into a huge infatuation, but I still have crushes on Giles, Ethan and, to a certain extent, on Wesley.
Perhaps we I read fanfictions because of those crushes...