(no subject)

Mar 04, 2005 09:07

Well, I officially haven't updated my live journal in forever. Let's see nothing really new is going on in my life, just the same old bump and grind (oh wait the daily grind!) I am going to Japan in a week to see Lizzy which should be fun, but right now all I want to do is sleep. I am tired of school and my classes I wish I could jump on a plane to Barbados. Since I don't really want to do a general update of my whole life I am just going to do a quick one about my past week. Last Saturday I went out to dinner with friends at this cute little Italian restaurant on Capital Hill, which I feel I shouldn't go back to after what happened there (long story). Then on Sunday I had a date with my notecards, it was very tintilating (that is a very underused word, try to incorporate it into your vocab today) and on Monday I had two mideterms, so you can only imagine what shape I was in on Monday night, but I still went out to Value Village with my roomates. Since I didn't get any sleep Monday night, my tiredness just built up so I was completely exhausted Tuesday night, but I got to go to bed at like 10 (I am such an old lady). Wednesday night I just.....sat home....blah. My roomates, who are still on the crew team, got kidnapped by the older varsity girls and they had to do some crazy stuff all night, man I miss being on the crew team. Thursday night I went out to dinner with my ex roomate and her boyfriend which is always good times, where I preceded to eat way to much. So naturally after eating way too much I went home to take a nap because that is what people are supposed to do when they overeat. Right now I am at work, but I have yet to start doing any actual work. Tonight my roomates and I are going to forever21 to go shopping for some hot shirts to wear to the party on Saturday night. Apparently everyone is going to jump in the lake naked, I don't think I will participate in it, but I definatly want to be on the docks watching everyone strip (hehehe) and I will take pictures. This party is going to be crazy fun, they were going to have jello wrestling, but it turns out you can't buy jello in bulk at costco. So instead they are going to have a huge pool full of shaving cream or something, which is also something that I am not going to participate in. I also have the sneaking sucpision that even if I don't want to go in the water I am going to be thrown in by some of the guys, so I will wear my bathing suit just in case. This week is making me miss crew the most, my roomates are doing all of these rookie crew things that I want to join in on, especially Saturday before the party. The guys are having there own little keg race which I am not invited to. Man it sucks!!!
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