How much rubbish does one person make in a day?

Jun 01, 2016 20:03

Veggie box day!

This time I received a butternut pumpkin, some tiny carrots, some asian greens, a bag of apples, and a huge cauliflower.
Considering I already had 23 apples, and am not a fan of cauliflower, it is not an overly exciting box this week, but oh well, that's the luck of the draw.

I am a little disappointed by the amount that i wrapped in plastic this week. Often the asian greens are, but I figured, fair enough, what else would they do? But this is a bit more plastic than I was hoping for...

My apple situation...

The problem is, I'm not much of an apple eater, and since living in Tasmania, I am being given apples left, right and centre - so many people down here have their own apple trees and have more apples than they know what to do with. Thinking of what I might be able to do with them... I hate wasting food.

Last night I prepared a potato bake using lots of potatoes, sweet potatoes and onion from previous veggie boxes that needed eating. So proud I managed to think of, and make the effort to make, something edible (and quite tasty) with veggie box bits and bobs.

Oh, and below are the three knitted cotton dishcloths I bought at the last market. I have been using the teal one. All the ridges make it do a great job of cleaning off plates and such. Very pleased with them.

In other ethical living news, I decided today to keep a log of all the things I throw out each day (or recycle). I hope that I can look at it all, be shocked, and see ways I can improve in little ways.

This is what I have written for today:

June 1st:
1 sanitary pad wrapper - at home - bin
1 piece of paper towel (used for wiping up the coffee I spilt on myself) - at work - bin
1 cellophane wrapper for packet of biscuits - office morning tea supplies (not my jurisdiction) - at work - bin
1 plastic biscuit tray - office morning tea supplies (not my jurisdiction) - at work - recycling
1 small instant coffee sachet  - at work - bin
1 small sugar sachet - at work - bin
1 egg shell from my lunch - at work - bin
shallot off-cuts from my lunch - at work - bin
1 piece of paper towel - hand drying - at work - bin
1 mouldy apple - at home - bin
1 plastic apple bag from veggie box - at home - bin
2 plastic bags from grated cheese - at home - bin
1 Dare milk bottle - at home - recycling
1 milkybar wrapper - at home - bin
7 catalogue/junk mail - at home - recycling
1 tea bag - at home - bin
1 carboard carton of milk - at home - recycling
1 soup tin - at home - recycling
1 sheet of aluinium foil from cooking dinner - at home - rubbish

I had no idea that I threw out so much in a day! Especially when I am already making an effort to create less waste. So, how can I improve?

Long term, I can buy more cloth pads, I can start composting, I can buy white chocolate from Unpacked or even the place where I get my veggie box instead of buying cellophane-wrapped chocolate, especially when that chocolate is Nestle.

But tomorrow, I can take loose sugar (which I can buy from Unpacked) and take a little container of it to work - it won't be hygenic enough for the OHS rules to use for everyone in the office, but I can use it and thus strike that sugar sachet off my list. I might also take some loose leaf tea and a strainer so I don't have to dabble in tea bags. Might have to see about real coffee too...  I could wipe my hands on the cloth towel in the bathroom at work instead of using paper towel, but it's always damp and I doubt it's hugely sanitary. Maybe I can just use my skirt. ;)

And I will email Source (where I get my veggie boxes) to enquire about the plastic packaging - since they are promoting that it is organic, and they sell loose items like they do at Unpacked, and also cloth pads, bamboo toothbrushes, unhomogenised milk... So, I reckon they will be receptive to some feedback about the plastic in their veggie boxes. Maybe they could talk to the farmers they buy from and ask them to sell them unpackaged fruit and veg? I reckon the people running the veggie box show would care too, so hopefully I don't come across as too bothersome...

Edit: I added a couple more items to the end of the rubbish list. Plus, more photos!

My "paper towel" replacement towel is all washed and clean again. :)


My new bamboo produce bags.

zero waste, ethical living, sustainability

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