My first day of being ethically intentional.

Oct 11, 2015 00:15

Today I tried to live a little more ethically than yesterday.
That's all. I don't demand any instant make over, only that every step be a step in the right direction.

Today, upon the advice of a friend, I went to Lush.
I had, until now, only really thought of this store as a place for bath bomb and boutique soap (at boutique prices. Why pay all that for soap? You can get a 5-pack for $2.99 at the spermartket).

But today... I went in.

Now, I don't know how simple it is to go out shopping and spend $50 on things you don't really need. I could have waited until my soap was running out, or the toothpaste running low before I pull out my wallet. I could have even tried making a nice baking soda shampoo. Instead, I went and got out the ole wallet.

But it was a step in the right direction, and that is all I am asking of myself. Lots of little steps. Just a shuffle will do, really.

The thing I was most excited about was Tooth Tabs. They are little tablets that you break up in your mouth with your teeth, and then use a wet tooth brush as you normally would, and it goes all toothpastey, and you spit and rinse like normal. And the best bits are: natural and safe ingredient, and 100% recyclable pakaging. And it was only $2.95 for 40 tablets. That's 40 teeth-cleanings. I am very impressed by this alternative.

Along with those, I bought some natural deodorant. Now I have used that crystal deodorant before, and it just was not strong enough for 16 year old me. And being smelly in school is not an option if you don't want to fall to the lower echelons of cool. So I said screw it, cover my arm pits in aluminium particles, if you please. Anything is better than being that smeely kid. But now, I am ready to try something alternative again. So, I have a nice natural deodorant. We'll see how it goes. If not so well, then they have another type I can try. Plus there are online recipes if I really feel keen.

I bought some soap. After learning about SLS, suddenly that $2.99 5-pack from the supermarket isn't looking like such a good deal.

Got some solid shampoo/conditioner too. Not for me though, because at the moment I have a solid block of dread shampoo. But I have such a wonderful chap - he found out about my ethical and simple living direction change via my facebook post, and we didn't even discuss is, and he is just so on board. So the nice natural solid shampoo is for him to enjoy.

After all the shopping, we decided to stop for some lunch. We walked an extra block just to go to the independant cafe we like instead of a chain.

And on the way home from work today, yes, I did stop at the supermarket... where I spent 15 minutes reading packet after packet of chocolate. I wanted something that ticked all these boxes:

Fair trade.
Minimal and completely recyclable packaging.
Milk or white, not dark, chocolate.

I did not find such a creature.

In the end, I went for this one:

There was aluminium packaging inside the cardboard outer packaging, and, as you can see, it is dark chocolate (I had hoped the "butter" would make up for that a bit). But reading their website, they are working on the packaging: "Our ultimate goal? To ensure all our packaging, across our entire line of products, have as little impact as possible on the environment by achieving Home Compostable certification with OK Vincotte. It’s a long process involving lots of testing, but hey, we think it’s worth it!"

And is is organic, it is fairtrade, it is even carbon neutral and gluten free (if you are into that). So... I think I made a good choice there, and it is tasty enough for this white-chocolate-loving girl to enjoy.

So... Maybe not a 100% simple day, but more ethical than normal.

Now, it's time to start saving up for the next step in my simplethical shuffle ... ethical toilet paper!

rule of life, franciscan, ethical living, simplicity, sustainability, life choices

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